Disabling Automatic System-Wide Fixing of Alignment Errors

To disable automatic fixing of alignment errors, the default operating system control for alignment exceptions must be changed so that alignment faults become visible to your application. You can then use any just-in-time debugger to locate the source of the alignment faults.

You can change the operating system default either in the registry with REGEDT32 or by using the axpalign command. To enable alignment fault exceptions, type the following at the command-line prompt and reboot your system:

axpalign /enable

To disable alignment fault exceptions, type the following at the command-line prompt and reboot your system:

axpalign /disable

Note   This change is system-wide and affects all applications. Older applications that still contain alignment errors may terminate with data misalignment exceptions. Therefore, you should use only the application you are debugging and testing when axpalign is enabled. Failures of other software when using axpalign should be reported as bugs to the appropriate maintainers.