Reset Project Options

Because not all settings are transportable across platforms, you should verify your project settings on the new platform.

An important item to check is the optimization level. On the x86 platform, default optimization is set no optimization (/Od), while on the Alpha platform, default optimization is set to favor speed over code size (/Ox). Compiling ported code without ensuring identical optimization levels might result in errors incorrectly attributed to coding rather than to optimization level. For more information on optimization, see the Optimization and Options for Maximum Speed topics in Chapter 4.

To verify your project settings

  1. From the Project menu, choose Settings. The Project Settings dialog box appears.

  2. Review the tabs and categories to ensure that the project settings you want are selected. Pay special attention to the following items:

    Note   If the project settings do not seem appropriate for the Alpha Platform (for example, the processor type on the C/C++ Code Generation page is not set to Alpha AXP), it is because you did not complete step 6 in the creating a new project configuration procedure.