Platform SDK: Group Policy


The GPOBROWSEINFO structure contains information that the BrowseForGPO function uses to initialize a GPO browser dialog box. After the user closes the dialog box, the system returns information about the user's actions in this structure.

typedef struct tag_GPOBROWSEINFO {
    DWORD       dwSize;
    DWORD       dwFlags;
    HWND        hwndOwner;
    LPOLESTR    lpTitle;
    LPOLESTR    lpInitialOU;
    LPOLESTR    lpDSPath;
    DWORD       dwDSPathSize;
    LPOLESTR    lpName;
    DWORD       dwNameSize;
    GROUP_POLICY_HINT_TYPE      gpoHint;


Specifies the size of the structure, in bytes.
Specifies dialog box options. This member can be one or more of the following values.
Value Meaning
GPO_BROWSE_DISABLE_NEW Disables the ability to create a new GPO on any tab other than the All tab.
GPO_BROWSE_NOCOMPUTERS Removes the Computers tab.
GPO_BROWSE_NODSGPOS Removes the Domain/OU and Sites tabs.
GPO_BROWSE_OPENBUTTON Changes the OK button to Open.

Specifies the handle to the parent window. If this member is NULL, the dialog box has no owner.
Specifies the title bar text. If this member is NULL, the title bar text is Browse for a Group Policy Object.
Specifies the initial domain or organizational unit.
Pointer to a buffer that receives the Active Directory path of the GPO.
Specifies the size, in characters, of the lpDSPath buffer.
Pointer to a buffer that receives either the computer name or the friendly name of the GPO. If the user opens or creates a GPO in the Computers tab, this member contains the computer name. If the user opens or creates a GPO in the Active Directory, this member contains the friendly name. To determine the GPO type, see the description for the gpoType member.

This member can be NULL.

Specifies the size, in characters, of the lpName buffer.
Receives the GPO type. This member can be one of the following values.
Value Meaning
GPOTypeLocal Local
GPOTypeRemote Remote
GPOTypeDS Active Directory

Receives a hint about the Active Directory container to which the GPO might be linked. This member can be one of the following values.
Value Meaning
GPHintUnknown No link information is available.
GPHintMachine The object might be linked to a computer (local or remote).
GPHintSite The object might be linked to a site.
GPHintDomain The object might be linked to a domain.
GPHintOrganizationalUnit The object might be linked to an organizational unit.


  Windows NT/2000: Requires Windows 2000.
  Header: Declared in Gpedit.h.

See Also

Group Policy Overview, Group Policy Structures, BrowseForGPO