Platform SDK: Quality of Service

Policy-Driven QOS Components

Admission Control Service (ACS)
A Windows 2000 service, residing on a Windows 2000 Server, that inserts itself into the RSVP message path to enforce Windows 2000 Directory Service based–network admission control policies for QOS-enabled clients.
Local Policy Module (LPM)
A Microsoft-provided module that provides network resource–access decisions, based on policies configured in Active Directory services, for the Subnet Bandwidth Manager (SBM) component. The LPM makes policy decisions based on policy information contained in RSVP-based signaling messages sent by clients.
Policy Information
Identity based–policy information contained in RSVP messages is submitted to the LPM, on which LPMs base policy decisions. Policy information is generated by a Microsoft-provided DLL that resides on Windows clients providing turnkey implementation of Windows 2000 QOS. Policy information is securely transmitted across the network in a session that is secured by a Kerberos ticket. The Microsoft-provided policy is data generated by the Microsoft-provided DLL, and not QOS service components.
Carries policy data between end nodes and the ACS/SBM. RSVP also carries rejections to admission requests back to the requesting node.
Local Policy Module API (LPM API)
The programmatic interface for LPMs to interface with the SBM in ACS.

For a figure that shows where these components fit into the end-to-end QOS enabled–network picture, see QOS Documentation Structure.