Platform SDK: Quality of Service

Windows 98 QOS Notes

The following list describes Windows 2000 QOS features not available in Microsoft® Windows® 98:

Error Code Granularity
Windows 98 does not support the fine-grained error codes that can be provided in ExtendedStatus1 and ExtendedStatus2.
Kernel Traffic Control
Kernel traffic control is not available in Windows 98. Therefore, observe the following restrictions when using Windows 98:

Applications should not pass down or retrieve traffic objects, including shaping rage or shape/discard objects.

The SERVICE_NO_TRAFFIC_CONTROL control flag is not available.

ADSPEC parameters specific to traffic control are not set.

Registry Parameters
Windows 98 does not support the following registry parameters:




Windows 98 does not support the passing of RSVP_POLICY_INFO objects in the RSVP_RESERVE_INFO structure.
Policy Objects
Windows 98 does not support the submission or retrieval of application specific–policy objects.
Service Types
The SERVICE_NO_QOS_SIGNALING control flag is not available.
Windows 98 does not support SIO_CHK_QOS, and as a result, Windows 98 does not support queries for ALLOWED_TO_SEND_DATA, ABLE_TO_RECV_RSVP, or LINE_RATE.
Asynchronous calls to WSAIoctl(SIO_SET_QOS) are not supported in Windows 98.
The RSVP service provider does not set Type of Service (TOS) bits in the IP header. TOS has been obviated by DSCP.