Platform SDK: Quality of Service

QOS Events

Windows 2000 QOS makes certain information available to applications that register interest in obtaining event-related QOS information. Windows 2000 QOS makes the following event categories available to applications:

Windows 2000 QOS provides this status information through the FD_QOS event suite. Applications that take advantage of QOS capabilities, whether sending or receiving data, should use FD_QOS events to maintain and monitor their QOS-enabled application. Registering interest in QOS events is done by listening for FD_QOS event notifications.

It is important to realize that all FD_QOS events are edge-triggered. With edge-triggered events, a message is posted exactly once when a QOS change occurs. Further messages are not forthcoming until the provider detects a further change in quality of service, or the application re-negotiates the flow's quality of service.

For more information about event notification, consult the following Knowledge Base article: