Platform SDK: Quality of Service


The LPM_Deinitialize function allows the PCM to instruct LPMs to deinitialize, whether due to system shutdown or a change in Designated Subnet Bandwidth Manager (DSBM) status. This occurs when the Admission Control Service no longer needs to do policy based–admission control, such as when a demotion from DSBM status occurs. LPMs should free resources, close connections to external entities such as policy servers, directory services, and perform any other cleanup necessary to properly relinquish LPM activities. The PCM will unload the DLL after LPM_Deinitialize returns.

LPM_Deinitialize (
  LPM_HANDLE LpmHandle 


Unique handle to the LPM, as supplied through LPM_Initialize during initialization.

Return Values

The LPM deinitialized successfully.

If another value is returned from LPM_Deinitialize, the PCM will record the name of this DLL (implementations of LPMs are always in the form of a DLL), as well as this return value, in the Event Log.


LPMs do not need to return errors for outstanding requests when LPM_Deinitialize is called; PCM assumes LPV_REJECT for outstanding requests. LPMs should deinitialize synchronously before returning. If an LPM has been loaded and initialized multiple times to facilitate the handling of multiple PE types, the PCM will call LPM_Deinitialize multiple times as well.


  Windows NT/2000: Requires Windows 2000.
  Windows 95/98: Unsupported.
  Header: Declared in Lpmapi.h.