Platform SDK: Quality of Service


The cbpAdmitRsvpMsg function is used by LPMs to return results for the LPM_AdmitRsvpMsg request. LPMs should only use this function if they have returned LPM_RESULT_DEFER to the LPM_AdmitRsvpMsg function call. The PCM will only accept results from this function within the result-time limit established by each LPM through the ResultTimeLimit parameter of the LPM_Initialize function.

cbpAdmitRsvpMsg (
  LPM_HANDLE LpmHandle,
  RHANDLE RequestHandle,
  LPV LpmPriorityValue,
  int PolicyErrorCode,
  int PolicyErrorValue,
  VOID *Reserved 


[in] Unique handle for the LPM, as supplied in LPM_Initialize. The PCM will ignore any result that is not accompanied by a valid LPM handle.
[in] Unique handle that distinguishes this request from all other requests. LPMs must pass this handle to the PCM when returning results asynchronously for an individual request by calling cbpAdmitRsvpMsg. RequestHandles become invalid once results are returned, requiring each request to get its own unique RequestHandle from the PCM.
[in] LPM Priority Value assigned to the request. The PCM assumes LPV_DONT_CARE if LpmPriorityValue is invalid.
[in] Policy error code value. PolicyErrorCode must be a nonzero value; the SBM will copy this value, in combination with PolicyErrorValue, into the RSVP Error Object when sending PATHERR or RESERR messages (as the result of policy based–admission control failure, to provide a reason for rejecting the request).
[in] Policy error value. PolicyErrorValue must be a nonzero value; the SBM will copy this value, in combination with PolicyErrorCode, into the RSVP Error Object when sending PATHERR or RESERR messages (as the result of policy based–admission control failure, to provide a reason for rejecting the request).
[in] This parameter is reserved for future use.


When a request has been rejected, the PCM will call the LPM to instruct it to delete the request's state. The LPM can choose to delete the request's state at any time during the rejection process. If the LPM deletes a request's state shortly after its rejection of the request, the LPM must be prepared to handle subsequent calls (by the PCM, through the LPM_DeleteState function) to delete the (already deleted) state.

The LPM does not need to maintain state for requests to which it returns LPV_DONT_CARE. However, the LPM must be prepared to handle LPM_DeleteState requests for this (nonexisting) state.


  Windows NT/2000: Requires Windows 2000.
  Windows 95/98: Unsupported.