Platform SDK: Quality of Service


The TcAddFlow function adds a new flow on the specified interface. Note that the successful addition of a flow does not necessarily indicate a change in the way traffic is handled; traffic handling changes are effected by attaching a filter to the added flow, using the TcAddFilter function.

Traffic control clients that have registered an AddFlowComplete handler (a mechanism for allowing traffic control to call the ClAddFlowComplete callback function in order to alert clients of completed flow additions) can expect a return value of ERROR_SIGNAL_PENDING. For more information, see Traffic Control Objects.

DWORD TcAddFlow(
  HANDLE IfcHandle,
  HANDLE ClFlowCtx,
  ULONG Flags,
  PTC_GEN_FLOW pGenericFlow,
  PHANDLE pFlowHandle


[in] Handle associated with the interface on which the flow is to be added. This handle is obtained by a previous call to the TcOpenInterface function.
[in] Client provided–flow context handle. Used subsequently by traffic control when referring to the added flow.
[in] Reserved for future use. Must be set to zero.
[in] Pointer to a description of the flow being installed.
[out] Pointer to a location into which traffic control will return the flow handle. This flow handle should be used in subsequent calls to traffic control to refer to the installed flow.

Return Values

There are many reasons why a request to add a flow might be rejected. Error codes returned by traffic control from calls to TcAddFlow are provided to aid in determining the reason for rejection. For more information on the validation rules applied to flow requests, see traffic control.

Error codes Description
NO_ERROR The function executed without errors.
ERROR_SIGNAL_PENDING The function is being executed asynchronously; the client will be called back through the client-exposed ClAddFlowComplete function when the flow has been added or when the process has been completed.
ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE The interface handle is invalid.
ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY The system is out of memory.
ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER A parameter is invalid.
ERROR_INVALID_SERVICE_TYPE An unspecified or bad INTSERV service type has been provided.
ERROR_INVALID_TOKEN_RATE An unspecified or bad TOKENRATE value has been provided.
ERROR_INVALID_QOS_PRIORITY The priority value is invalid.
ERROR_INVALID_TRAFFIC_CLASS The traffic class value is invalid.
ERROR_NO_SYSTEM_RESOURCES There are not enough resources to accommodate the requested flow.
ERROR_TC_OBJECT_LENGTH_INVALID Bad length specified for the TC objects.
ERROR_INVALID_DIFFSERV_FLOW Applies to Diffserv flows. Indicates that the QOS_OBJECT_DIFFSERV object was passed with an invalid parameter.
ERROR_DS_MAPPING_EXISTS Applies to Diffserv flows. Indicates that the QOS_DIFFSERV_RULE specified in TC_GEN_FLOW already applies to an existing flow on the interface.
ERROR_INVALID_SHAPE_RATE The QOS_OBJECT_SHAPING_RATE object was passed with an invalid ShapeRate.
ERROR_NETWORK_UNREACHABLE The network cable is not plugged into the adapter.


If the TcAddFlow function returns ERROR_SIGNAL_PENDING, the ClAddFlowComplete function will be called on a different thread than the thread that called the TcAddFlow function.

Only the addition of a filter will affect traffic control. However, the addition of a flow will cause resources to be committed within traffic control components. This enables traffic control to prepare for handling traffic on the added flow.

Traffic control may delete a flow for various reasons, including the inability to accommodate the flow due to bandwidth restrictions, and adjusted policy requirements. Clients are notified of deleted flows through the ClNotifyHandler callback function, with the TC_NOTIFY_FLOW_CLOSE event.

Note  Use of the TcAddFlow function requires administrative privilege.


  Windows NT/2000: Requires Windows 2000.
  Windows 95/98: Unsupported.
  Header: Declared in Traffic.h.
  Library: Use Traffic.lib.