Platform SDK: Quality of Service


The TcDeregisterClient function deregisters a client with the Traffic Control Interface (TCI). Before deregistering, a client must delete each installed flow and filter with the TcDeleteFlow and TcDeleteFilter functions, and close all open interfaces with the TcCloseInterface function, respectively.

DWORD TcDeregisterClient( 
  HANDLE ClientHandle 


[in] Handle assigned to the client through the previous call to the TcRegisterClient function.

Return Values

Error codes Description
NO_ERROR The function executed without errors.
ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE Invalid interface handle, or the handle was set to NULL.
ERROR_TC_SUPPORTED_OBJECTS_EXIST Interfaces are still open for this client. all interfaces must be closed to deregister a client.


Once a client calls TcDeregisterClient, the only traffic control function the client is allowed to call is TcRegisterClient.

Note  Use of the TcDeregisterClient function requires administrative privilege.


  Windows NT/2000: Requires Windows 2000.
  Windows 95/98: Unsupported.
  Header: Declared in Traffic.h.
  Library: Use Traffic.lib.

See Also

TcRegisterClient, TcCloseInterface, TcDeleteFlow, TcDeleteFilter