Interface-Specific Tables

When you create a tool information model, Repository enlarges the database schema to accommodate the new kinds of data. Generally, Repository creates one table for each new interface you create. Several interfaces, however, can share a table. (See Information Model Creation Issues.)

Each row of an interface-specific table indicates that a set of property values applies to a particular range of object versions. (See Ranges in the Version Graph.)

The primary key of any interface-specific table consists of three columns: IntID, Z_BranchID_Z, and Z_VS_Z, as shown in the following table.

Column name Data type Description
IntID RTIntID The internal identifier for the object.
Z_BranchID_Z RTBrID Indicates the branch of the version graph containing the range to whose items the property values in this row apply.
Z_VS_Z RTVerID A version-within-branch identifier indicating the lower bound of the range to whose items the property values in this row apply.
Z_VE_Z RTVerID A version-within-branch identifier indicating the upper bound of the range to whose items the property values in this row apply.
(User-supplied column name for Interface-specific property 1) (User-supplied datatype) A column corresponding to a property you defined in your tool information model. You provide a name and a data type for this column when you insert the tool information model into the Repository.
(User-supplied column name for Interface-specific property n…) (User-supplied datatype) Other columns corresponding to other properties you defined in your tool information model. You provide a name and a data type for each of these other columns when you insert the tool information model into the Repository.

Each row indicates a range and a set of property values. Every object version in the range is described by every property value.