RTblRelships Example Four

In some situations, several relationship rows exist where one would theoretically suffice. For example, consider a row including these values:

OrgID = 7
Z_OrgBrID_Z = 4
Z_OrgVS_Z = 3
Z_OrgVE_Z = 8
DstID = 888
Z_DstBrID_Z = 4
Z_DstVS_Z = 2
Z_DstVE_Z = 2
RelTypeID = 465
Z_RelFlags_Z = 2

The row indicates that a version-to-version relationship (to a specific version of the destination object) exists from every branch-four version of the origin object whose version-within-branch identifier is between 3 and 8.

Compare the preceding row to those shown below. In particular, notice that the two rows below are effectively equivalent to the row above. Taken together, the first two rows below indicate exactly what the single row above indicates.

OrgID = 7
Z_OrgBrID_Z = 4
Z_OrgVS_Z = 3
Z_OrgVE_Z = 5
DstID = 888
Z_DstBrID_Z = 4
Z_DstVS_Z = 2
Z_DstVE_Z = 2
RelTypeID = 465
Z_RelFlags_Z = 2

OrgID = 7
Z_OrgBrID_Z = 4
Z_OrgVS_Z = 6
Z_OrgVE_Z = 8
DstID = 888
Z_DstBrID_Z = 4
Z_DstVS_Z = 2
Z_DstVE_Z = 2
RelTypeID = 465
Z_RelFlags_Z = 2