RTblRelships Example Three

Within a Relationship row, if Z_OrgVE_Z = VERINFINITY, then the row describes one or more verstion-to-version relationships, depending on the shape of the Version Graph.

For example, consider the following two rows and the accompanying Version Graph of the origin object.

OrgID = 7
Z_OrgBrID_Z = 2
Z_OrgVS_Z = 5
DstID = 888
Z_DstBrID_Z = 4
Z_DstVS_Z = 2
Z_DstVE_Z = 2
RelTypeID = 465
Z_RelFlags_Z = 2

OrgID = 7
Z_OrgBrID_Z = 3
Z_OrgVS_Z = 4
DstID = 888
Z_DstBrID_Z = 4
Z_DstVS_Z = 2
Z_DstVE_Z = 2
RelTypeID = 465
Z_RelFlags_Z = 2

The first row describes exactly three version-to-version relationships, because within branch 2, there are three object versions whose version-within-branch identifiers are 5 or higher.

The second row describes exactly one version-to-version relationship, because within branch 3, there is exactly one object version whose version-within-branch identifier is 4 or higher.

(Insert figure “SchemaExampleRTblRelshipsVeEqualsVerinfinity” here)