MethodDef Object

See Also

When you define a class for a tool information model, you specify the interfaces that the class implements. For each of those interfaces, you specify the members (properties, methods, and collections) that are attached to the interface.

The definition of a method as a member of an interface does not result in the method's implementation logic being stored in the Repository. However, it does add the method name to the set of defined member names for that interface. It also reserves the method's dispatch identifier in the set of defined dispatch identifier values for the interface.

A method definition (a MethodDef object) is also a RepositoryObject. In addition to the members described here, MethodDef objects also provide the members that are defined for Repository objects.

To attach a new method to an interface, use the CreateMethodDef method of the InterfaceDef object.

When to Use

Use the MethodDef object to access or modify the characteristics of a method definition, or to determine the interface definition to which a particular method is attached.


Property Description
DispatchID The dispatch identifier to use when invoking a method that conforms to this method definition.
Flags Flags that specify details about this method definition.


Collection Description
Interface The interface to which this method definition is attached.
Properties The collection of all persistent properties that are attached to the MethodDef object.