Using Repository without the Repository Add-in or the MDO Model

Suppose your organization publishes design specifications for low-income housing projects. Occasionally, you learn that a design specification contains an error, that it violates a particular building code. You can create a Visual Basic project that keeps track of the documents, the building codes, and the errors.

This scenario differs from the other scenarios in this section in several important respects:

  1. The solution does not use the add-in or the MDO Model (because it doesn’t keep track of Visual Basic projects, it keeps track of specifications, building codes, and violations). You do not need the Repository Add-in for Visual Basic. In fact, you can build this project without even registering the Repository Add-in for Visual Basic as an add-in.

  2. You can solve this problem without creating a Visual Basic add-in. You simply create a Visual Basic project like any other.

  3. Because you are not using the MDO Model, you do not need to add a reference to the Microsoft Development Objects type library. However, because you are manipulating the contents of the repository, you must add a reference to the Microsoft Repository type library.