RepVB Object

See Also         Properties         Methods

The Repository Add-in for Visual Basic (RepVB) manages interaction between Visual Basic and the repository. To initiate the mediation, you must register RepVB as an add-in. Thereafter, each time you create or modify a Visual Basic project, RepVB can respond to the events that Visual Basic triggers. When a Visual Basic event indicates a change in the structure of a project, RepVB responds by updating the contents of the repository. In this way, RepVB ensures that the repository reflects the current structure of your projects.

RepVB also triggers events to which your Visual Basic add-ins can respond. To respond to RepVB events, you must implement an event sink object. RepVB supports five different event sink objects:

  1. MdoAddInEvents Object

  2. MdoComponentEvents Object

  3. MdoControlEvents Object

  4. MdoProjectEvents Object

  5. MdoReferenceEvents Object

To connect or disconnect your event sink object from RepVB events, use the connection and disconnection methods that are provided by the RepVB object.


Property Description
IsSynchronizing Indicates whether or not RepVB is currently performing synchronization processing.


Method Description
ConnectAddInEvents Connects the event sink object supplied by the caller to events that are related to the state of the RepVB Add-in.
ConnectComponentEvents Connects the event sink object supplied by the caller to component-related RepVB events.
ConnectControlEvents Connects the event sink object supplied by the caller to control-related RepVB events.
ConnectProjectEvents Connects the event sink object supplied by the caller to project-related RepVB events.
ConnectReferenceEvents Connects the event sink object supplied by the caller to reference-related RepVB events.
ConnectRepository Connects the RepVB Add-in to the specified repository.
DisconnectAddInEvents Disconnects the specified event sink object from events that are related to the state of the RepVB Add-in.
Disconnects the specified event sink object from component-related RepVB events.
DisconnectControlEvents Disconnects the specified event sink object from control-related RepVB events.
DisconnectProjectEvents Disconnects the specified event sink object from project-related RepVB events.
Disconnects the specified event sink object from reference-related RepVB events.
GetMDOObject Retrieves the MDO object that is associated with the specified Visual Basic object.
GetRepository Retrieves the opened repository instance that is currently being used by the RepVB Add-in.
GetVBObject Retrieves the Visual Basic object that is associated with the specified MDO object.
SynchronizeRepository Synchronizes the repository with all currently open projects.