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[Manufacturer] Section


manufacturer-name | %strings-key%=manufacturer-name-section

The [Manufacturer] section identifies the manufacturer of the device and specifies the name of the [Manufacturer Name] section that contains additional information about the device driver.

Name of the manufacturer. This name can be any combination of printable characters, but must uniquely identify the manufacturer and must be enclosed in quotation marks.
Name of a string as defined in a [Strings] section.
Name of the [Manufacturer Name] section. This name can be any combination of printable characters, but must uniquely identify the manufacturer name.

The following example shows a typical [Manufacturer] section in which a string key, %M1%, is used to identify the manufacturer. In this example, the [Manufacturer Name] section is APEXD.

%M1%=APEXD    ; Strings key for this manufacturer