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Setup Script Parameters

This section summarizes the parameters that can be used in setup scripts.

Setup-related parameters

[Setup] parameters:
OptionalComponents (with InstallType=3)
PenWinWarning TimeZone
Uninstall (with BackupDir)
[System] parameters:
[NameAndOrg] parameters:
Name Org Display
[InstallLocationsMRU] parameters: List of paths
[OptionalComponents] parameters: List of descriptions
[Printers] parameters: Printers to install

Network-related parameters

[Network] parameters:
[netcard_ID] parameters: Values from the INF file for the network adapter
[MSTCP] parameters:
[NWLink] parameters: Frame_Type NetBIOS
[NWRedir] parameters: FirstNetDrive
[NWRedir4] parameters: PreferredTree NameContext
[NWServer] parameters: BrowseMaster Use_SAP
[VRedir] parameters: LogonDomain ValidatedLogon
[VServer] parameters: LMAnnounce MaintainServerList

The setup script parameters are not case-sensitive. They are also not required; if they do not appear in a setup script, Windows 98 Setup just uses default values.

The display of most Setup dialog boxes can be disabled in the setup script so that users cannot change any setting. If the dialog boxes are not disabled, sources of information for parameters are given the following priority:

In this section, the descriptions for an option can contain any of six possible entries, as described in the following table. For an example of the resulting file, see "Msbatch.inf Sample File" later in this appendix.

Entry Description
Parameter The name of the parameter as it appears in a setup script.
Values The values that can be assigned to the parameter and what they mean.
System policy The name of the corresponding parameter for this entry in System Policy Editor; if no entry appears, there is no system policy.
Default The built-in value that is used if no other value is provided.


The [Setup] section sets parameters for controlling the Setup process.

Change Installation Directory

This parameter allows you to change the installation directory from the default. For clean installations and upgrades from Windows 3.x, the default installation directory is C:\Windows.

Parameter ChangeDir
Values 0 = Install Windows 98 in the default installation directory.
1 = Install Windows 98 in a directory other than the default.
Default 0

Clean Installation

This parameter forces a new Windows 98 installation (on a new computer or a computer with a reformatted hard disk) instead of an upgrade from either Windows 95 or Windows 3.1x. For more information on clean installations, see "Running Setup on a New Installation" in Chapter 2, "Setting Up Windows 98."

Parameter CleanBoot
Values 0 = Do not force a clean installation, perform an upgrade instead.
1 = Force a clean installation.
Default 0

Device Path

This parameter specifies whether Windows 98 should check a source installation path to find INF files, rather than looking only in the Windows INF directory when installing devices. If this parameter is set to 1, network administrators can later add INF files to a single source location to ensure that up-to-date drivers are installed any time a new device is installed on computers running Windows 98. However, set this value to 1 only if the installation source files are in a network directory (not floppy disks or compact disk).

Note that Devicepath=1 causes the entire INF database to be rebuilt each time a user changes a network component or changes drivers for any device.

Parameter Devicepath
Values 0 = Do not add a source directory path for INFs.
1 = Add the installation source directory to the path for finding INFs.
Default 0

Windows 98 Startup Disk

This parameter specifies whether to create the emergency Startup Disk during Setup (the command-line override for this is /ie). For a setup script intended for hands-free installation, you might want to specify ebd=0 so that the user is not prompted to insert or remove the floppy disk. If you need to specify ebd=1, you can also add a reboot=0 entry, so that Setup will not attempt to restart the computer while the floppy disk is in the drive.

Parameter EBD
Values 0 = Do not create an emergency Startup Disk.
1 = Create an emergency Startup Disk.
Default 1


This parameter specifies whether the user can provide input during Setup. If Express=1, then Windows 98 Setup uses only the settings specified in Msbatch.inf or built-in defaults and does not ask the user to confirm or enter input. This setting disables most of the user interface for Setup.

Parameter Express
Values 0 = Allow user input.
1 = Run Setup using only values in Msbatch.inf.
Default 0


If Express=1, you cannot add parameters to override safe detection for network adapters, SCSI controllers, or sound cards — which, in some cases, requires installing support after Setup is complete. If you need to force installation of certain hardware when Express=1, add specific entries in the [System] section.

Installation Directory

This parameter specifies the directory where Windows 98 is to be installed.

Parameter InstallDir
Values Directory name
Default \Windows directory (if present)

Installation Directory Warning

This parameter allows you to install Windows 98 over an existing Windows installation directory without warning you.

Parameter NoDirWarn
Values 0 = Warn me before overwriting an existing Windows installation directory.
1 = Overwrite the existing Windows installation directory without warning me.
Default 0

Install Type

This parameter specifies the type of installation for Windows 98 Setup.

Parameter InstallType
Values 0 = Compact
1 = Typical
2 = Portable
3 = Custom
Default 1

Optional Components

This parameter specifies whether or not to display the Select Components dialog box during installation. You must specify InstallType=3 with this setting.

Parameter OptionalComponents
Values 0 = Do not display the Select Components dialog box.
1 = Display the Select Components dialog box.
Default 1

Pen Windows Warning

This parameter specifies whether to display a warning if an unknown version of Pen Windows is installed.

Parameter PenWinWarning
Values 0 = Do not display the warning.
1 = Display the warning.
Default 1

Reboot Prompt

This parameter specifies whether the user should be prompted before rebooting the computer.

Parameter NoPrompt2Boot
Values 0 = Do not prompt the user before rebooting.
1 = Prompt the user before rebooting.
Default 1

Time Zone

This parameter specifies the time zone to set on the computer.

Parameter TimeZone
Values String enclosed in quotation marks, as described in the following list.
Default The time zone currently set on the computer.

Time zone strings
AUS Central
Canada Central
Cen. Australia
Central Asia
Central Europe
Central Pacific
E. Australia
E. Europe
E. South America
Lisbon Warsaw
New Zealand
SA Eastern
SA Pacific
SA Western
Saudi Arabia
South Africa
US Eastern
US Mountain
W. Australia
W. Europe
West AsiaWest Pacific


This parameter is used to specify whether Setup should create a compressed backup version of the existing Windows and MS-DOS directories to be used for automatically uninstalling Windows 98. If you specify Uninstall=5, you also must add a value for BackupDir=path that specifies the directory where Setup should place the compressed backup files.

Parameter Uninstall
Values 0 = Do not allow user to specify Uninstall options, and do not create
backup files for uninstalling Windows 98.
1 = Show Uninstall options for user to choose and create backup.
5 = Do not show Uninstall options, but automatically create backup
files for uninstalling Windows 98.
Default 1


This section sets parameters for modifying the system settings.


The correct entries for Msbatch.inf can be copied from similarly named entries in Setuplog.txt for a computer on which Windows 98 has been installed with devices identical to those that you want to install from a setup script.

The following entries are based on INF section names:

Table D.1 [System] parameters based on INF section names

To set this parameter Use the appropriate section name in the following INF File
Locale Locale.inf (see also Appendix A, "International Windows 98")
PenWindows Penwin.inf
Power Machine.inf
Tablet Pendrv.inf

The following entries use INF descriptions. The choice must be in the list of compatible devices for that class.

Table D.2 [System] parameters based on INF descriptions

To set this parameter Use the appropriate description in the following INF File
Display Msdisp.inf.
For example, from the description %SuperVGA.DriverDesc%=SVGA for Super VGA, the entry in Msbatch.inf would be display=svga.
Keyboard Keyboard.inf.
Mouse Mouse.inf or similar file.


This parameter specifies the keyboard layout.

Parameter SelectedKeyboard
Values Value, where value is any of the values listed in the [KeyboardList] section in Multilng.inf.


This parameter sets the type of multilanguage support installed for Windows 98.

Parameter MultiLanguage
Values English_M = Installs support for English and Western European languages.
Greek_M = Adds additional support for Greek.
Cyrillic_M = Adds additional support for Cyrillic.
CE_M = Adds additional support for Eastern European languages.
Baltic_M = Adds additional support for Baltic.
Default English_M


This section defines the name and organization for Windows 98 Setup, and specifies whether the user is to be shown the Name And Organization dialog box.


This parameter specifies the full user name for this installation.

Parameter Name
Values String
Default None


This parameter specifies the registered organization for this installation.

Parameter Org
Values String
Default None


This parameter specifies whether the Name And Organization dialog box appears during Windows 98 Setup.

Parameter Display
Values 0 = Do not display name and organization.
1 = Display name and organization.
Default 1


This section specifies the paths to add to the list of directories that the user can choose when Windows 98 Setup prompts for a path. For example, this section could appear as follows to specify local and network file locations:


To force the path for files from which to copy, use CopyFile= and related statements in an [Install] section and specify the complete path for the component files.


This section contains the descriptions that appear in the Optional Components dialog box in Windows 98 Setup.

To create entries for this section, type the description enclosed in quotation marks. Each description is followed by 1 (install) or 0 (do not install). The strings that specify the optional components to install are defined in INF files.

Another way to define entries for this section is to copy the [OptionalComponents] section in Setuplog.txt from a computer that already has all the optional components installed that you want defined in the setup script. For an example, the entries to install Briefcase and Net Watcher are as follows:

"Net Watcher"=1

The following tables show the strings for the optional components defined in the Windows 98 standard INF files, grouped by the following component sets:

Additional strings can be defined by other application developers.

Table D.3 Optional component strings

Accessibility Options
Accessibility Tools

Desktop Wallpaper
Document Templates
Mouse Pointers
Quick View
Screen Savers
Screen Savers
Flying Windows
OpenGL Screen Savers
Windows Scripting Host

Dial-Up Networking
Dial-Up Server
Direct Cable Connection
Hyper Terminal
Microsoft Chat 2.1
Microsoft NetMeeting
Phone Dialer
Virtual Private Networking

Desktop Themes
Dangerous Creatures
Desktop Themes Support
Inside your Computer
Leonardo da Vinci
More Windows
The 60’s USA
The Golden Era
Windows 98
Internet Tools
Microsoft FrontPage Express
Microsoft VRML 2.0 Viewer
Microsoft Wallet
Personal Web Server
Real Audio Player 4.0
Web Publishing Wizard
Web-Based Enterprise Mgmt

Multilanguage Support
Central European

Audio Compression
CD Player
Macromedia Shockwave Director
Macromedia Shockwave Flash
Media Player
Microsoft NetShow Player 2.0
Multimedia Sound Schemes
Sample Sounds
Sound Recorder
Video Compression
Volume Control

Online Services
America Online
AT&T WorldNet Service
Prodigy Internet
The Microsoft Network

System Tools
Character Map
Clipboard Viewer
Disk compression tools
Drive Converter (FAT32)
Group Policies
Net Watcher
System Monitor
System Resource Meter

Web TV for Windows
Broadcast Data Services
WaveTop Data Broadcasting
WebTV for Windows

Optional Component Dependencies

This optional component Depends on this component
Direct Cable Connection Dial-Up Networking
Dial-Up Server Dial-Up Networking
Virtual Private Networking Dial-Up Networking

The following table lists optional component strings that are no longer valid in Windows 98. The left column lists the obsolete component; the right column the new string that replaces it.

Obsolete Component Strings

This component Is replaced by
Extra Cursors Mouse Pointers
Windows Accessories Accessories


This section specifies the parameters and options for installing networking components. The categories for these parameters include the following:

Installation Parameters in [Network]


This parameter specifies the network clients to be installed. It is a list of the device IDs used in the INF files. These IDs are not limited to those in the Windows 98 INF files (Netcli.inf and Netcli3.inf). A site that has an INF file from another vendor can use any device IDs listed in it.


If you are installing a network client other than those listed in the INF files provided with Windows 98, you need to obtain an updated Windows 98 INF file from your vendor. You can use INF Installer (Infinst.exe) to add network clients to your Windows 98 installation. For more information on how to use INF Installer, see "Adding Custom Drivers with INF Installer (Infinst.exe)" in Chapter 3, "Custom Installations."

If you are installing multiple clients, the first client in this list will start first whenever the computer is started.

Specify multiple networks in a comma-separated list. If the list contains two network clients, or lists multiple networks with a primary-only network (such as IBM OS/2 LAN Server), Windows 98 Setup presents an error message and displays the Network Configuration properties for changing the selection. The verification process that occurs in Setup still takes place.

Parameter Clients
Values Comma-separated list of client device IDs (see the following table)
Default Defaults in Netdef.inf

The following table shows the device IDs for network clients included with the Windows 98 files (as specified in Netcli.inf and Netcli3.inf).

Device ID Network
Vredir Client for Microsoft Networks
Family Microsoft Family Logon
Netware3 Novell NetWare version 3.x
Netware4 Novell NetWare version 4.x
Nwredir Microsoft Client for NetWare Networks

The following table shows other valid device IDs for third-party network clients.

Device ID Network
Novell32 Novell Client for Windows 95/98
Vinesifs Banyan VINES version 8.02 or later

Network Card Drivers

This parameter specifies the drivers to be installed for network adapters as a list of the device IDs used in the INF files. These IDs are not limited to those included in the Windows 98 INF files. A site that has an INF file from another vendor can use any device IDs listed in that file.


In general, it is recommended that you rely on detection in Windows 98 Setup to install the correct driver and define the correct configuration settings.

If you are installing drivers for network adapters other than those listed in the INF files provided with Windows 98, you need to obtain an updated Windows 98 INF file from your vendor. You can use INF Installer (Infinst.exe) to add drivers for network adapters to your Windows 98 installation. For more information on how to use INF Installer, see "Adding Custom Drivers with INF Installer (Infinst.exe)" in Chapter 3, "Custom Installations."

When a network adapter is listed, the usual verification takes place. Windows 98 Setup chooses an NDIS 3.1 or later driver, if available; otherwise, it uses an NDIS 2.x driver. Do not specify a Plug and Play or PCI card with the NetCards parameter if that device is enumerated by Windows 98.

Parameter NetCards
Values Comma-separated list of network adapter device IDs.
Default Results of detection.

For example, the following entries would install drivers for Intel EtherExpress 16 or 16TP plus 3Com EtherLink II or IITP:



The virtual private networking (VPN) and Web TV for Windows dial-up adapters should not be specified with the Netcards parameter.


This parameter specifies the protocols to be installed as a list of the device IDs used in the INF files. These IDs are not limited to those in the Windows 98 INF files. A site that has an INF file from another vendor can use any device IDs listed in that file.


If you are installing network protocols other than those listed in the INF files provided with Windows 98, you need to obtain an updated Windows 98 INF file from your vendor. You can use INF Installer (Infinst.exe) to add network protocols to your Windows 98 installation. For more information on how to use INF Installer, see "Adding Custom Drivers with INF Installer (Infinst.exe)" in Chapter 3, "Custom Installations."

Parameter Protocols
Values Comma-separated list of protocol device IDs, as described in the following table.
Default Defaults in Netdef.inf.

For example, the following entry installs the Microsoft TCP/IP protocol:


The following table shows the valid device IDs for network protocols included with the Windows 98 files (as specified in Nettrans.inf).

Device ID Protocol
Msdlc Microsoft DLC (real mode)
Mstcp Microsoft TCP/IP
Ndiswan Protocol wrapper for virtual private networking adapter
Netbeui Microsoft NetBEUI
Nwlink Microsoft IPX/SPX-compatible protocol
Nwnblink Microsoft NetBIOS support for IPX/SPX-compatible protocol

The following table shows examples of other valid device IDs for third-party network protocols. These are not included with the Windows 98 files.

Device ID Protocol
Bancom Banyan VINES protocol for Windows 95
Ipxodi Novell-supplied IPXODI protocol
Novellipx32 Novell-supplied IPX 32 protocol for Windows 95

Setup verifies these settings, so it is possible to specify only the network clients and let Windows 98 Setup choose the protocols. For example, if you specify Clients=Novell32, then Windows 98 Setup adds Novellipx32.

Default Protocol

This parameter sets the default protocol (which is assigned LANA 0), which is the specified protocol bound to the specified network adapter (if the computer has more than one network adapter). If no adapter is specified, the default is the first instance of the specified protocol. Set this value if, for example, the computer will run software that requires a protocol to be bound to LAN adapter (LANA) 0, which can only be defined by setting that protocol as the default protocol. For more information about LAN adapter numbers, see Chapter 15, "Network Adapters and Protocols."

If netbios=1, you must set defaultprotocol=nwnblink if you want to specify the IPX/SPX-compatible protocol as the default.

Parameter DefaultProtocol
Values A protocol device ID as defined in protocol= and, optionally, a network adapter device ID, as defined in netcards=.
Default 0

The following example sets the default protocol as an instance of NetBEUI bound to a particular adapter:

Remove Binding

This parameter removes the binding between the two devices. This parameter is used to tune bindings in a setup script.

Parameter RemoveBinding
Values Comma-separated list of device IDs
Default None


This parameter specifies the network services to be installed as a list of the device IDs used in the INF files. These IDs are not limited to those in the Windows 98 INF files. A site that has an INF file from another vendor can use any device IDs listed in that file. When a service is listed in a setup script, the usual verification still takes place.


If you are installing network services other than those listed in the INF files provided with Windows 98, you need to obtain an updated Windows 98 INF file from your vendor. You can use INF Installer (Infinst.exe) to add network services to your Windows 98 installation. For more information on how to use INF Installer, see "Adding Custom Drivers with INF Installer (Infinst.exe)" in Chapter 3, "Custom Installations."

The only service installed by default is VSERVER (File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft Networks) if peer sharing services were enabled for Windows for Workgroups.

Parameter Services
Values Comma-separated list of service device IDs, as described in the following table.
Default Windows 98 Setup defaults, depending on the value of InstallType.

The following shows the valid device IDs defined in several different INF files.

Device ID Service INF file
Nmagent Microsoft Network Monitor agent Nmagent.inf
Nwredir4 Microsoft Service for NetWare Directory Services Ndscli.inf
Nwserver File and Printer Sharing for NetWare Networks Netsrvr.inf
Remotereg Microsoft Remote Registry service Regsrv.inf
Snmp Microsoft Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) agent Snmp.inf
Vserver File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft Networks Netsrvr.inf

Computer Identification Parameters in [Network]

Computer Name

This parameter sets the computer’s network name.

Parameter ComputerName
Values String of up to 15 alphanumeric characters and no blank spaces. The name must be unique on the network and can contain the following special characters:

! @ # $ % ^ & ( ) - _ ' { } . ~

If you define a variable in your Msbatch.inf file and then try to use that variable for the ComputerName parameter, Windows 98 assumes that the percent characters % are part of the computer name. For example, if you have an Msbatch.inf file with the following entries:





Windows 98 will set the computer’s network name to %cname% and not to MyComputerName.

Default Generated from the first eight characters of the user name.


This parameter is the description for the computer (mainly used by peer servers, such as File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft Networks).

Parameter Description
Values String of up to 48 alphanumeric characters. It cannot contain commas, but it can contain any of the following special characters:

! @ # $ % ^ & ( ) - _ ' { } . ~

Default User name from licensing information.


This parameter sets the workgroup for the computer.

Parameter Workgroup
Values String of up to 15 alphanumeric characters and no blank spaces. The name must be unique on the network and can contain the following special characters:

! @ # $ % ^ & ( ) - _ ' { } . ~

If you define a variable in your Msbatch.inf file and then try to use that variable for the Workgroup parameter, Windows 98 assumes that the percent characters % are part of the workgroup name. For example, if you have an Msbatch.inf file with the following entries:





Windows 98 will set the computer’s workgroup name to %workgrp% and not to WorkgroupName.

Default Workgroup previously specified; otherwise, a new name is generated from user licensing information by taking the first 15 characters of the organization name. For example, an organization name of "Microsoft Corporation" results in "MicrosoftCorpo" as the default workgroup.

Security Parameters in [Network]

User Security

This parameter specifies the security model to be used and, for user-level security, the type of pass-through agent (that is, server or domain). A client with a security provider must be installed for these values to have an effect.

Parameter Security
Values share = share-level security.
nwserver = user-level security, validated by a NetWare server.
domain = user-level security, validated by a Windows NT domain.
msserver = user-level security, validated by a computer running Windows NT Workstation or Windows NT Server as a standalone computer.
Default share

Pass-Through Agent

This parameter specifies the pass-through agent for user-level security. This value is ignored for share-level security.

Parameter PassThroughAgent
Values Server or domain name
Default No value, or the value of Workgroup if Security=domain, or the value of Preferred Server if Security=nwserver. The default is the value of PreferredServer if Security=nwserver; otherwise, there is no default.

User Interface Options for [Network] Parameters


This parameter controls whether any of the Network Configuration dialog boxes appear in Custom Setup.

Parameter Display
Values 0 = Do not display
1 = Display
Default 1

Validate NetCard Resources

This parameter specifies whether to display a dialog box to resolve resource conflicts if a partial configuration is detected or if there is an IRQ conflict for a network adapter.

Parameter ValidateNetCardResources
Values 0 = Do not display a wizard page.
1 = Display a wizard page to resolve resource conflicts.
Default 1


The actual name for this section is the identifier for the network adapter, as defined in the related INF file. This section sets parameters for a specific network adapter, as defined in the [netcard.NDI] sections of the network device INF files provided with Windows 98.


In general, it is recommended that you rely on detection in Windows 98 Setup to install the correct driver and define the correct configuration settings.

All entries for a [netcard_ID] section depend on the specific adapter. The actual parameters and settings for a specific network adapter can be found in that adapter’s INF file in the Windows INF directory.

To locate settings for a network adapter, check Net.inf for entries, such as the following:

CardBrand=brand of network adapter
INFFile=file where these settings can be found

In the related INF file for the specific network adapter, search for the adapter’s name. For example, you might find the following entry for an Intel EtherExpress 16 network adapter:

; *PNP812D  Intel Etherexpress 16 or 16TP

The information in the netcard.INF file is followed by the specific settings, using this format:

;netcard model name
actual settings for adapter 

For example, for the adapter in the previous example, the following entry appears in the Netee16.inf file:


Based on the AddReg= entry in this statement, you need to search for the [*pnp812d.ndi.reg] or [EXP16.ndi.reg] sections in the INF file to find the parameters required for a particular adapter. For example, for the related Intel EtherExpress adapter, the following sections appear in Netee16.inf:

HKR,NDI\params\DMAChannel,ParamDesc,,"DMA Channel"

These entries describe the parameters that can be specified for the adapter in a setup script. Furthermore, in this same part of the netcard.INF file, the statements also indicate the kinds and ranges of values that can be specified for a particular parameter. For example, in Netee16.inf, the following statements indicate that for DMAChannel= you must specify an integer in the range of 1 – 3, where the default value is 1:


The following entry in Netee16.inf indicates that for Transceiver= you can specify the values external or onboard (based on the first string that appears after the enum item):


Based on the previous examples, the following shows an example of the [netcard] section you would add to Msbatch.inf to set parameters for an Intel EtherExpress 16 or 16TP network adapter:


Notice that you only need to set values for the parameters where you do not want to use the defaults. For a list of possible parameters for some common network adapters, see "Windows 98 Network Adapter INF Summary" later in this appendix.


This section sets parameters for Microsoft TCP/IP. For more information about TCP/IP, see Chapter 15, "Network Adapters and Protocols."


This parameter specifies whether TCP/IP is configured to use DHCP for dynamic TCP/IP configuration.

Parameter DHCP
Values 0 = Do not enable DHCP.
1 = Enable DHCP.
Default 1


This parameter enables DNS name resolution. You must also set DNS=1 if you plan to use LMHOSTS for name resolution.

Parameter DNS
Values 0 = Disable DNS.
1 = Enable DNS.
Default 0

DNS Servers

This parameter is a list of the DNS servers to use in the order to try them.

Parameter DNSServers
Values Comma-separated list of DNS server names
Default None


This parameter sets the DNS domain that this computer is in.

Parameter Domain
Values String
Default None

Domain Order

This parameter sets a list of DNS domains for host name resolution in the order to try them.

Parameter DomainOrder
Values Comma-separated list of DNS domains
Default None


This parameter lists the IP gateways (sometimes called IP routers) in the order they are to be used.

Parameter Gateways
Values Comma-separated list of IP addresses
Default None


This parameter sets the DNS hostname for this computer (usually the same value as ComputerName).

Parameter Hostname
Values String
Default None

IP Address

This parameter sets the computer’s IP address if DHCP is not enabled.

Parameter IPAddress
Values Internet Protocol (IP) address (###.###.###.###)
Default None


This parameter enables or disables LMHOSTS for name resolution.

Parameter LHHosts
Values 0 = Disable LMHosts for name resolution.
1 = Enable LMHosts for name resolution.
Default 1

LMHOST File Path

This parameter sets the path and file name of the LMHOST file.

Parameter LMHOSTPath
Values Path
Default None

Primary WINS Server

This parameter sets the primary WINS name server.

Parameter PrimaryWINS or WINSServer1
Values IP address (###.###.###.###)
Default None

Secondary WINS Server

This parameter sets the secondary WINS name server.

Parameter SecondaryWINS or WINSServer2
Values IP address (###.###.###.###)
Default None

Additional WINS name servers can be specified using parameters WINSServer3 through WINSServer12.

Scope ID

This parameter sets the scope ID.

Parameter ScopeID
Values String
Default None

Subnet Mask

This parameter sets the IP subnet mask for TCP/IP if DHCP is not enabled.

Parameter IPMask
Values IP address (###.###.###.###)
Default None


This parameter enables WINS for NetBIOS computer name resolution.

Parameter WINS
Values N = Disable WINS.
Y = Enable WINS resolution.
D = Use DHCP instead of WINS.
Default D


The parameters in this section specify settings for the IPX/SPX-compatible protocol and are valid only if protocols=nwlink is also specified in the setup script. For more information about these parameters as defined using the Network option in Control Panel, see Chapter 15, "Network Adapters and Protocols."

Frame Type

This parameter specifies the default frame type for IPX.

Parameter Frame_Type
Values 0 = 802.3
1 = 802.2
2 = Ethernet II
5=Token ring
6=Token ring SNAP
Default 4


This parameter specifies whether NetBIOS support for IPX/SPX should be installed.

Parameter NetBIOS
Values 0 = Do not install NWNBLINK.
1 = Install NWNBLINK.
Default 0


This section sets parameters for Microsoft Client for NetWare Networks. For more information about these values, see Chapter 17, "Windows 98 on Third-Party Networks."

First Network Drive

This parameter specifies the first network drive to which to attach in login scripts for Client for NetWare Networks. This parameter overrides the equivalent setting in Net.cfg.

Parameter FirstNetDrive
Values Drive letter ("A" or "A:" are equivalent)
Default F:

Preferred Server

This parameter specifies the NetWare preferred server. This parameter does not override the equivalent setting in Net.cfg.

Parameter PreferredServer
Values String
System policy Preferred Server settings (under policies for Microsoft Client for NetWare Networks)
Default None

Process Login Script

This parameter specifies whether login script processing is enabled when running Microsoft Client for NetWare Networks.

Parameter ProcessLoginScript
Values 0 = Disable login script processing.
1 = Enable login script processing.
Default 1


This section sets parameters for Microsoft Service for NetWare Directory Services. For more information about these values, see Chapter 17, "Windows 98 on Third-Party Networks" and Chapter 18, "Logon, Browsing, and Resource Sharing."

Preferred Tree

This parameter specifies the NetWare preferred tree.

Parameter PreferredTree
Values String
Default None

Name Context

This parameter specifies the preferred context for the user to log on to.

Parameter NameContext
Values String
Default None


This section sets parameters for Microsoft File and Printer Sharing for NetWare Networks. For more information about these values, see Chapter 18, "Logon, Browsing, and Resource Sharing."

Browse Master

This parameter specifies whether a computer configured with File and Printer Sharing for NetWare Networks can be elected browse master.

Parameter BrowseMaster
Values 0 = This computer cannot be a browse master.
1 = This computer can be a browse master.
2 = This computer is the preferred browse master.
Default 1

SAP Browsing

This parameter specifies whether a computer configured with File and Printer Sharing for NetWare Networks uses Service Advertising Protocol (SAP) browsing. Enabling SAP browsing allows a computer with File and Printer Sharing for NetWare Networks to be seen by any NetWare client, but the computer does not appear in a workgroup in Network Neighborhood.

Parameter Use_SAP
Values 0 = Disable SAP browsing (use workgroup style browsing).
1 = Use SAP style browsing.
Default 0


This section sets parameters for Client for Microsoft Networks. For more information about these values, see Chapter 16, "Windows 98 on Microsoft Networks."

Validated Logon

This parameter specifies whether logons are validated on a Windows NT domain. If you set this value to 1, be sure to specify a value for LogonDomain.

Parameter ValidatedLogon
Values 0 = Do not validate logons.
1 = Validate logon.
Default 0

Logon Domain

This parameter specifies the Windows NT domain to use for logon validation. It can be set even if ValidatedLogon=0. If ValidatedLogon=1, you must set a correct value for LogonDomain to ensure that Windows 98 Setup has access to any required files on a protected network resource, and to ensure that the user can log on successfully when installation is completed.

Parameter LogonDomain
Values String
System policy Log on to Windows NT (under policies for Microsoft Client for Windows Networks)
Default Value of Workgroup in [Network]


This section sets parameters for File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft Networks. For more information about these values, see Chapter 18, "Logon, Browsing, and Resource Sharing."


This parameter specifies whether the computer configured with File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft Networks announces its presence to LAN Manager computers on the network. Setting this value to 1 increases network traffic but makes browsing faster.

Parameter LMAnnounce
Values 0 = Do not announce VSERVER to the network.
1 = Announce VSERVER to network.
Default 1

Browse Master

This parameter specifies how the computer configured with File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft Networks behaves in a browse master election.

Parameter MaintainServerList
Values 0 = Disabled (this computer cannot be a browse master).
1 = Enabled (this computer is the browse master).
2 = Auto (the computer can be a browse master if required).
Default 2


This section is used to install one or more printers during Setup by specifying a user-defined name for identifying the printer, the model name, and the printer port. Each printer to be installed has a separate entry in this section using the following syntax:


where Port can be either a local printer name, such as LPT1, or a network path for a network printer, such as \\printserver1\printA.

The following restrictions apply:


If the setup script contains a [Printers] section with no entries, you will not be asked to select a printer the first time that Windows 98 runs. If the [Printers] section exists but it does not have any entries under it, you will not be prompted to select a printer. If the script does not contain a [Printers] section, Setup will ask you to install a printer.

Friendly Name

This parameter specifies the friendly name, model, and port for a printer to be installed. The printer’s friendly name is the name that appears in the Printers folder. The model name must be the exact name of a printer driver that is supported under Windows 98; otherwise, Setup skips this entire section.

Parameter PrinterName= any string that does not contain these characters:

\ , ; =

Values DriverModel = The exact driver name for any printer model supported under Windows 98

Port = The port that this printer is attached to (such as LPT1) or a UNC path name to a network print queue

Default None

The following example installs a local printer and a network printer:

My BJC600=Canon Bubble-Jet BJC-600,LPT1
IIIsi Next Door=HP Laserjet IIIsi,\\Server_1\PrtShr_1


The [Strings] section defines one or more string keys that Setup expands to the defined string and uses it for further processing. In other sections, a strings key can be used by enclosing it in percent signs (%).

Parameter String_Key = Value
Values String_Key = A unique name made up of letters and digits.

Value = Letters, digits, or other printable characters. It should be enclosed in quotation marks if the corresponding string key is used in an entry that requires double quotation marks.

The following shows three examples of strings keys:

KEY_INSTALLEDCOMPS="SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\BatchRun"
KEY_IEXPLORERMAIN="Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main"
KEY_INTERNETSETTINGS="Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings"


The [Install] section sets parameters for copying additional files as part of Windows 98 installation. The format for this section is identical to the format for the [Install] section in general INF files, as defined in Appendix C, "Windows 98 INF Files."

The following sections provide these examples for using the [Install] section for custom installations:

[Install] Example: Copying Custom Files

This section describes Msbatch.inf entries for copying custom files while installing Windows 98. In the following example, custom files are copied for a bitmap file containing a corporate logo plus a shortcut to be placed in Network Neighborhood. These custom files must be created by the administrator and placed with the Windows 98 source files on the network.


my_corp.bmp        ; bitmap file
my_link.lnk        ; file that contains the shortcut

Note that the most flexible means of providing custom links for multiple users is to use system policies. For information about using system policies to create a custom Network Neighborhood or a custom desktop, see Chapter 8, "System Policies."

[Install] Example: Enabling User Profiles and Remote Administration

If you plan to take advantage of user profiles and to allow administration of remote computers, you can enable these capabilities using setup scripts. The following entries are required in Msbatch.inf to enable these features.

AddReg=User.Profiles, Reg,User.Box.One, User.Box.Two, Remote.Admin


    ,"%CurrentVersion%\Explorer\User Shell Folders"
    ,"%CurrentVersion%\Explorer\User Shell Folders"
    ,"%CurrentVersion%\Explorer\User Shell Folders"

HKCU,"%CurrentVersion%\%PrimaryRec%\Start Menu",CentralFile,
    ,"Start Menu"
HKCU,"%CurrentVersion%\%PrimaryRec%\Start Menu",Default,1,01,00,00,00
HKCU,"%CurrentVersion%\%PrimaryRec%\Start Menu",DefaultDir,
    ,"%10%\Start Menu"
HKCU,"%CurrentVersion%\%PrimaryRec%\Start Menu",LocalFile,
    ,"Start Menu"
HKCU,"%CurrentVersion%\%PrimaryRec%\Start Menu",MustBeRelative,1,01,00,00,00
HKCU,"%CurrentVersion%\%PrimaryRec%\Start Menu",Name,,"*.lnk,*.pif"
HKCU,"%CurrentVersion%\%PrimaryRec%\Start Menu",RegKey,
    ,"%CurrentVersion%\Explorer\User Shell Folders"
HKCU,"%CurrentVersion%\%PrimaryRec%\Start Menu",RegValue,,"Start Menu"
    ,"%10%\Start Menu\Programs"
    ,"Start Menu\Programs"
HKCU,"%CurrentVersion%\%SecondaryRec%\Programs",ParentKey,,"Start Menu"
    ,"%CurrentVersion%\Explorer\User Shell Folders"
    ,"%10%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup"
    ,"Start Menu\Programs\Startup"
HKCU,"%CurrentVersion%\%SecondaryRec%\Startup",ParentKey,,"Start Menu"
    ,"%CurrentVersion%\Explorer\User Shell Folders"


Security=<domain_or_server>   ;enables user-level security
services=remotereg   ;installs the Microsoft Remote Registry agent

; specifies the server containing the group or individual account 
; to be allowed remote administration capabilities 
Server_Domain_Username = "<server_or_domain\account>"

To define the custom values required for enabling remote administration

  1. To enable user-level security, set the appropriate values in the [Network] section for Security= and PassThroughAgent=.

    For example, on a NetWare network, if the security provider is a server named NWSVR1:


    On a Windows NT network, if the security provider is a domain named NTDOM1:

  2. In the [Strings] key, define the value for %server_domain_username% to specify the location for the list of user accounts, plus the names of accounts for users who will be allowed remote administration capabilities for this particular computer.

    For example, for a NetWare network, the following specifies the server containing the group or individual account, plus the account name to be given remote administration capabilities:

    Server_Domain_Username = "NWSVR\HELPDESK"

    For a Windows NT network, the following specifies the domain containing the account, plus the account name to be given remote administration capabilities:

    Server_Domain_Username = "NTDOM1\ADMIN"


You must also make sure that the related files supporting Microsoft Remote Registry services are installed with the Windows 98 source files. To do this, use INF Installer, as described in Chapter 3, "Custom Installations."

When you enable remote administration in this way, Setup automatically adds the appropriate Administrators account (including Supervisor and Domain Administrators under Windows NT) to the list of persons or groups allowed to administer the computer remotely, and sets the permissions required for remote administration.

Enabling user profiles in a setup script with Microsoft Batch 98 (User Profiles tab in the General Setup Options dialog box) is equivalent to using the User Profiles options in Control Panel (User Profiles tab in the Passwords Properties dialog box).

There are two ways to enable group policies. One way is by adding a line in the [OptionalComponents] section of a setup script and the other way is by using the Windows Setup tab in Add/Remove Programs.

You can also enable group policies for both the Client for Microsoft Networks and Client for NetWare networks.

To enable group policies by editing a setup script

To enable group policies using Add/Remove Programs in Control Panel

  1. In Control Panel, double-click Add/Remove Programs.
  2. Click the Windows Setup tab.
  3. Select the System Tools check box and then click Details.
  4. Select the Group Policies check box and then click OK.
  5. Click OK again in the Windows Setup tab.

To enable group policies for both Client for Microsoft Networks and Client for NetWare networks

For information about user profiles and group policies, see Chapter 8, "System Policies." For information about remote administration of a computer’s registry, see Chapter 23, "System and Remote Administration Tools."

[Install] Example: Replacing Configuration Entries

This section presents some sample entries for replacing entries in configuration files as part of Windows 98 Setup.

Depending on the common network configuration at your site, you may determine that you need to remove a line from one or more configuration files as a global procedure before starting Windows 98 Setup. For example, you may want to use a protected-mode protocol, such as Microsoft TCP/IP, instead of the real-mode version of TCP/IP currently being using on the target computers. The following kinds of entries can be used to make these changes during the installation process.


If you want to remove TSRs when installing Windows 98 on a NetWare network, you should modify the Netdet.ini file rather than making modifications using Msbatch.inf. For information, see Chapter 17, "Windows 98 on Third-Party Networks."



