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System Policy Settings Summary

This section summarizes the policy options you can set by default in Windows 98. They are determined by a template (Windows.adm), which can be modified as discussed in "Using System Policy Templates" later in this chapter. You might find it helpful to run System Policy Editor as you study these options.

These policies are described in the order they appear in System Policy Editor. For each category, you must click the option that appears in bold type to display the related policies you can define for that category.

Restricting Access to User-Specific Settings

When you double-click Default User in System Policy Editor, a list of Control Panel, desktop, network, shell (user interface), and system settings appears so that you can predefine or restrict access to settings that apply when the user logs on to the system. These system policy settings are stored in User.dat.

Restricting Access to Control Panels

Table 8.11 describes the system policies you can apply to restrict access to settings in the Display, Network, Passwords, Printers, and System options of Control Panel.

Table 8.11 User policies restricting access to Control Panel options

Option Description
Restrict Display settings
Disable Display Control Panel Prevents access to Display in Control Panel.
Hide Background page Hides the Background properties of Display in Control Panel.
Hide Screen Saver page Hides the Screen Saver properties of Display in Control Panel.
Hide Appearance page Hides the Appearance properties of Display in Control Panel.
Hide Settings page Hides the Settings properties of Display in Control Panel
Restrict Network settings
Disable Network Control Panel Prevents access to Network in Control Panel.
Hide Identification page Hides the Identification properties of Network in Control Panel.
Hide Access Control page Hides the Access Control (user-level versus share-level) properties of Network in Control Panel.
Restrict Passwords settings
Disable Passwords Control Panel Prevents access to Passwords in Control Panel.
Hide Change Passwords page Hides the Change Passwords properties of Passwords in Control Panel.
Hide Remote Administration page Hides the Remote Administration properties of Passwords in Control Panel.
Hide User Profiles page Hides the User Profiles properties of Passwords in Control Panel.
Restrict Printers settings
Hide General and Details pages Hides the General and Details properties of Printers in Control Panel.
Disable Deletion of Printers Prevents the deletion of installed printers.
Disable Addition of Printers Prevents the installation of printers.
Restrict System settings
Hide Device Manager page Hides the Device Manager properties of System in Control Panel.
Hide Hardware Profiles page Hides the Hardware Profiles properties of System in Control Panel.
Hide File System button Hides the File System button from the Performance properties of System in Control Panel.
Hide Virtual Memory button Hides the Virtual Memory button from the Performance properties of System in Control Panel.