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Solstice NFS Client

Windows 98 can be installed and run with Solstice NFS Client version 3.1 and later. Solstice NFS Client uses the Microsoft TCP/IP network protocol for its network connection and can be supported as either the primary network client or as an additional 32-bit client.

The installation process consists of the following three procedures:


If you want to access NetWare servers, install Microsoft Client for NetWare Networks before installing the Solstice NFS Client.

To install Solstice NFS

  1. Insert the Solstice Network Client compact disc into your CD-ROM drive.
  2. If you have not disabled the Autoplay function, the CD-ROM Autoplay displays a banner window with several options. Click Install.

    – Or –

    If you have disabled the Autoplay function, at the command prompt type


    where <drive_letter> is the letter of your CD-ROM drive.

  3. Click Next and follow the instructions on the screen. The installation program copies files from the compact disc to your computer and enters information into your system files.


    During installation, Solstice Setup asks you which name service to use and lists Windows Default as the default. Do not change this configuration unless you are using an NIS server. If you are using an NIS server, contact your network administrator for configuration information.

  4. After installing Solstice NFS, shut down and restart your computer. When the computer reboots, you can log on.

You can change your configuration later, from the Network option in Control Panel.

To configure Solstice NFS from the Network option in Control Panel

  1. In Control Panel, double-click Network.
  2. Click each Solstice component and then click the Properties button, to view its properties.
  3. Make any necessary changes. For more information, contact Sun Microsystems.

After you have installed and configured it, make sure your configuration works properly.

To verify your configuration

  1. Use the Ping utility to make sure you can connect to another computer on the network. If not, you have a problem with your TCP/IP configuration.
  2. Use the Winipcfg utility to verify TCP/IP configuration information.
  3. In Network Neighborhood, double-click the Entire Network icon, click the NFS Servers icon, and then select a remote computer to make sure you can browse it. If no remote computers appear, try adding a computer by following the procedure "To add NFS hosts to Network Neighborhood," later in this section.

For information about using the Ping and Winipcfg utilities, see the section "Troubleshooting TCP/IP" in Chapter 15, "Network Adapters and Protocols."

After you have installed and configured Solstice NFS, you will see the following new workgroups in Network Neighborhood:

To add NFS hosts to Network Neighborhood

  1. In Network Neighborhood, double-click the Entire Network icon, and then click the NFS Servers icon.
  2. In the File menu, select Add/Remove NFS Servers.

To uninstall Solstice NFS

  1. In Control Panel, double-click Add/Remove Programs.
  2. Click Solstice and then click Add/Remove.
  3. When you are asked whether you want to completely remove the selected application, click Yes.
  4. When you are asked whether you want to delete shared files, click No unless you know that no other program is using the files.
  5. Click OK.