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View Preferences and the Registry

This section describes how Windows 98 stores View preferences for the desktop and windows that you open. View preferences include icon size, position, layout.

Windows 98 stores up to 28 entries containing View preferences for the desktop and windows that you open in a most-recently-used (MRU) list. When you close a window, the View preferences are written to subkeys with the names 0, 1, 2, and so on, located in the following registry key:


The MRU list in the following registry key defines the order of the 28 entries:


When the desktop or one of the windows is no longer included in the MRU list, the desktop or window uses the default settings the next time the desktop or window is redrawn or refreshed.

When you make a change to the desktop or a window, the View preferences for the desktop or window are moved to the top of the MRU list. That item remains on the MRU list until it reaches the 28th spot. When an item reaches the 28th spot and another window is closed, the 28th item is removed from the MRU list.