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Modem Registry Key Entries

The following section describes information stored in specific modem registry keys that might help advanced users correct problems with the commands that Windows 98 uses to control a modem. To identify modem problems, you can enable Windows 98 to create a Modemlog.txt file (as described in Chapter 21, "Modems and Communications Tools"), which contains responses to and from a modem when a connection was made. The Modemlog.txt file might indicate when Windows 98 is sending an incorrect command string to a modem, or when a response code is not being correctly interpreted. After consulting the documentation for the modem, you might be able to adjust the modem’s registry keys to restore proper operation.

Modem registry keys are stored under the following key:


For each installed modem, Windows 98 creates one registry key (starting with \0000); additional subkeys, which contain AT commands that Windows 98 uses to initialize, dial, and answer the modem; plus other entries that communications and modem drivers use.

Some of the more important entries that you can use to correct or optimize modem operation are described in the following sections. The full set of modem registry keys and the INF file format are documented in the Microsoft Windows 98 Device Development Kit.

Init Key

The multiple, modem-command string entries in the Init key initialize the modem before Windows 98 uses it. The name of each entry is its sequence number, starting with the number 1, and its data is the command that is sent to the modem. Usually, the Init key entry 1 is AT<cr>, which starts the modem. Init entry 2 usually contains &F or a similar command to restore the modem to its default settings. Subsequent Init key entries contain miscellaneous commands to configure the modem so it is compatible with Windows 98.

Responses Key

The Responses key contains strings that the modem might report to Windows 98 in response to a command or during the connection process. The name of each subkey is the text of a single modem response, and its data is a 10-byte binary value specifying the meaning of the response to Windows in a coded format. The first two characters (byte 0) specify the meaning of the response code, using one of the following values.

Value Type Description
00 OK The modem accepted the previous command.
01 Negotiation Progress Status information about a new connection is being reported.
02 Connect A call is connected; the modem is in data mode.
03 Error The modem rejected the previous command.
04 No Carrier The call was disconnected.
05 No Dial Tone No dial tone is present.
06 Busy The dialed modem is busy.
07 No Answer The dialed modem did not answer.
08 Ring There is an incoming call.
1C Blacklisted The remote number does not answer as a modem.
ID Delayed The user should wait before trying this call again.

The second two characters (byte 1) specify information about a connection that is being made. It is used only for response codes of type Negotiation Progress or Connect, and is one of the following values.

Error control negotiated Compression negotiated Cellular protocol negotiated
01 X
02 X
03 X X
08 X
09 X X
0A X X
0B X X X

The next eight characters (bytes 2 – 5) specify the modem-to-modem line speed negotiated in bits per second (bps). The characters represent a 32-bit integer, doubleword format (byte and word reversed). Common examples for this value include the following.

Bits per second String
2400 60 09 00 00
9600 80 25 00 00
14400 40 38 00 00
19200 00 4b 00 00
28800 80 70 00 00
33600 40 83 00 00
56000 C0 DA 00 00

The last eight characters (bytes 6 – 9) indicate that the modem is changing to a different port or Data Terminal Equipment (DTE) speed. Usually, this field is not used, because modems make connections at a "locked" port speed, regardless of the modem-to-modem or Data Communications Equipment (DCE) speed. However, for modems that support only "direct" modes, you can lower the DTE speed by specifying a negotiated DTE speed for a response code, using the same format as the DCE speed described in the preceding table.

Settings Key

The Settings key contains commands for configuring various modem settings. After the Init key commands are sent, Windows 98 builds a dynamic configuration command string by concatenating various entries shown in Table 31.16. The command string depends on the settings selected in the modem’s properties.

Table 31.16 Settings key entries

Subkey Description Example
Prefix Configuration command prefix AT
Terminator Configuration command suffix <cr>
DialPrefix Dial command prefix D
Dial_Pulse Use pulse dialing P
Dial_Tone Use tone dialing T
Blind_Off Detect dial tone before dialing X4
Blind_On Do not detect dial tone before dialing X3
CallSetupFailTimeout Specify call setup time-out S7=<#>
InactivityTimeout Specify inactivity time-out S30=<#>
SpeakerVolume_Low Low speaker volume L1
SpeakerVolume_Med Medium speaker volume L2
SpeakerVolume_High High speaker volume L3
SpeakerMode_Off Speaker always off M0
SpeakerMode_Dial Speaker on during dial and negotiation M1
SpeakerMode_On Speaker always on M2
SpeakerMode_Setup Speaker on only during negotiation M3
FlowControl_Off No flow control &K0
FlowControl_Hard Hardware flow control &K1
FlowControl_Soft Software flow control &K2
ErrorControl_Off Error control disabled (normal mode, not direct) +Q6S36=3S48=128
ErrorControl_On Error control enabled (auto reliable) +Q5S36=7S48=7
ErrorControl_Forced Error control required to connect (reliable) +Q5S36=4S48=7
ErrorControl_Cellular Cellular protocol enabled \N3-K1)M1-Q1*H1
Compression_On Compression enabled S46=138
Compression_Off Compression disabled S46=136
Modulation_CCITT Use CCITT modulations for 300 and 1200 bps B0
Modulation_Bell Use Bell modulations for 300 and 1200 bps B1
SpeedNegotiation_Off Connect only at default modem speed; do not fall back N0
SpeedNegotiation_On Use lower DCE speed to connect, if necessary N1

Supporting Phone Message Record and Playback

To support the telephone answering machine functions of recording incoming phone messages and playing the messages back through the handset when there is no active call, you must use your modem INF file to put values in the different registry keys outlined in Table 31.17.

Table 31.17 Phone message record and playback registry keys

Registry key Value
AbortPlay Command that stops playing audio data immediately (does not play the rest of the audio buffer contents). This command is not used for modems that are not using a serial wave device.
CloseHandset Command that resets the modem to Class 0.
HandsetSetPlayFormat Command that sets the modem’s handset playback format.
HandsetSetRecordFormat Command that sets the modem’s handset recording format.
LineSetPlayFormat Command that sets the modem’s line playback format.
LineSetRecordFormat Command that sets the modem’s line recording format.
OpenHandset Command that puts modem in a mode that enables audio to be played back through the handset when there is no active call.
StartPlay Command that starts playing audio (wave files) out of the modem. If a serial wave driver is being used, a bit in the VoiceProfile key controls whether the baud is set prior to the StartPlay command or after the StartPlay command.
StartRecord Command that starts recording audio (wave files) from the modem. If a serial wave driver is being used, a bit in the VoiceProfile key controls whether the baud is set prior to the StartRecord command or after the StartRecord command.
StopPlay Command that can be used to reset the modem’s baud after an AbortPlay or TerminatePlay command. A bit in the VoiceProfile key indicates whether Unimodem/V has to reset the UART’s baud.
StopRecord Command that stops recording audio (wave files) from the modem. If a serial wave driver is being used, a bit in the VoiceProfile key controls whether the baud is set prior to the StopRecord command or after the StopRecord command.
TerminateRecord Command that causes the modem to finish recording its local buffer and stop recording audio data. This command is not used for modems that are not using a serial wave device.
TerminatePlay Command that causes the modem to finish playing the contents of its local buffer and stop playing audio data after that. This command is not used for modems that are not using a serial wave device.