Platform SDK: RAS/Routing and RAS

Registering a RAS Security DLL

The setup program for a RAS security DLL must register the DLL with the Windows NT/Windows 2000 RAS server. Only one RAS security DLL can be registered; Windows NT/Windows 2000 does not support multiple security DLLs. To register a RAS security DLL, set the DLLPath value under the following key in the registry:

Value Name Value Data
DLLPath A REG_SZ string that contains the path of the DLL. This string should specify the full path unless the DLL is in a directory listed in the system path.

The setup program for a RAS security DLL must also provide remove/uninstall functionality. If a user removes the DLL, the setup program must delete the DLLPath value from the registry. The RAS service will not start if the DLLPath value specifies a DLL that cannot be found.

A RAS security DLL must export the RasSecurityDialogBegin and RasSecurityDialogEnd functions.