Platform SDK: RAS/Routing and RAS


The RasAdminPortGetInfo function retrieves information about a specified port on a specified server.

DWORD RasAdminPortGetInfo(
  const WCHAR *lpszServer,  // pointer to the server name
  const WCHAR *lpszPort,    // pointer to the name of port on the 
                            //  server
  RAS_PORT_1 *pRasPort1,    // receives the state of the port
                            // receives statistics about the port
  RAS_PARAMETERS **ppRasParams
                            // receives an array of media-specific 
                            //  parameters and values


Pointer to a null-terminated Unicode string that contains the name of the Windows NT/Windows 2000 RAS server. Specify the name with leading "\\" characters, in the form: \\servername.
Pointer to a null-terminated Unicode string that contains the name of the port on the server.
Pointer to a RAS_PORT_1 structure that the function fills in with information about the state of the port.
Pointer to a RAS_PORT_STATISTICS structure that the function fills in with statistics about the port.
Pointer to a variable that receives a pointer to an array of RAS_PARAMETERS structures. Each structure contains the name of a media-specific key, such as MAXCONNECTBPS, and its associated value. When your application is finished with the memory pointed to by ppRasParams, free it by calling the RasAdminFreeBuffer function.

Return Values

If the function succeeds, the return value is ERROR_SUCCESS.

If the function fails, the return value can be one of the following error codes.

Value Meaning
ERROR_DEV_NOT_EXIST The specified port is invalid.
ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY Insufficient memory to allocate a buffer for the ppRasParams array.

There is no extended error information for this function; do not call GetLastError.


  Windows NT/2000: Requires Windows NT 4.0 or later.
  Header: Declared in Rassapi.h.
  Library: Use Rassapi.lib.

See Also

Remote Access Service (RAS) Overview, RAS Server Administration Functions, RAS_PARAMETERS, RAS_PORT_1, RAS_PORT_STATISTICS, RasAdminFreeBuffer