Platform SDK: RAS/Routing and RAS


The RAS_PORT_1 structure contains information about a RAS port.

typedef struct _RAS_PORT_1 {
  RAS_PORT_0  rasport0;
  DWORD       LineCondition;
  DWORD       HardwareCondition;
  DWORD       LineSpeed;
  WORD        NumStatistics;
  WORD        NumMediaParms;
  DWORD       SizeMediaParms;


Specifies a/ RAS_PORT_0 structure that contains information about the port, such as the name of the port, the name of the remote user connected to the port, and so on.
Specifies the state of the port. This member can be one of the following values.
Value Meaning
RAS_PORT_NON_OPERATIONAL The port is not operational. Check the event log for errors reported by the server.
RAS_PORT_DISCONNECTED The port is currently disconnected.
RAS_PORT_CALLING_BACK The RAS server is calling back the RAS client.
RAS_PORT_LISTENING The port is waiting for a client to call in.
RAS_PORT_AUTHENTICATING The server is in the process of authenticating the remote client.
RAS_PORT_AUTHENTICATED The remote client is now authenticated.
RAS_PORT_INITIALIZING The device attached to the port is being initialized. The state of the port will change to RAS_PORT_LISTENING when the initialization has been completed.

Specifies one of the following values to indicate the state of the device attached to the port.
Value Meaning
RAS_MODEM_OPERATIONAL The modem attached to this port is operational and is ready to receive client calls.
RAS_MODEM_HARDWARE_FAILURE The modem attached to this port has a hardware problem.

Specifies the speed, in bits per second, with which the computer can communicate with the port.
This member is not used. The RAS administration functions, such as the RasAdminPortGetInfo function, use the RAS_PORT_STATISTICS structure to return port statistics.
Specifies the number of media-specific parameters for this port. For serial media this is typically the number of values that appear in the SERIAL.INI file.
Specifies the size, in bytes, of the buffer required for all media-specific parameters. The RasAdminPortGetInfo function returns a buffer containing an array of RAS_PARAMETERS structures with the media parameters and values for the port.
A RAS_PPP_PROJECTION_RESULT structure that specifies the PPP projection information for this port. This structure provides information for each protocol that is negotiated when a RAS client connects to a server.


  Windows NT/2000: Requires Windows NT 4.0 or later.
  Header: Declared in Rassapi.h.

See Also

Remote Access Service (RAS) Overview, RAS Server Administration Structures, RAS_PARAMETERS, RAS_PORT_0, RAS_PORT_STATISTICS, RAS_PPP_PROJECTION_RESULT, RasAdminAcceptNewConnection, RasAdminConnectionHangupNotification, RasAdminPortGetInfo