Platform SDK: RAS/Routing and RAS |
The RAS_STATS structure stores the statistics for a single-link RAS connection, or for one of the links in a multilink RAS connection.
typedef struct _RAS_STATS { DWORD dwSize; DWORD dwBytesXmited; DWORD dwBytesRcved; DWORD dwFramesXmited; DWORD dwFramesRcved; DWORD dwCrcErr; DWORD dwTimeoutErr; DWORD dwAlignmentErr; DWORD dwHardwareOverrunErr; DWORD dwFramingErr; DWORD dwBufferOverrunErr; DWORD dwCompressionRatioIn; DWORD dwCompressionRatioOut; DWORD dwBps; DWORD dwConnectDuration; } RAS_STATS, *PRAS_STATS;
For a single-link connection and for individual links in a multilink connection, this speed is negotiated at the time the connection or link is established.
For multilink connections, this speed is equal to the sum of the speeds of the individual links. For multilink connections, this speed will vary as links are added or deleted.
This speed is not equal to the throughput of the connection or link. To calculate the average throughput, divide the number of bytes transmitted (dwBytesXmited) and received (dwBytesRcved) by the amount of time the connection or link has been up (dwConnectDuration).
Windows NT/2000: Requires Windows 2000.
Windows 95/98: Unsupported.
Header: Declared in Ras.h.
Remote Access Service (RAS) Overview, RAS Server Administration Structures, RasClearConnectionStatistics, RasClearLinkStatistics, RasGetConnectionStatistics, RasGetLinkStatistics