Platform SDK: RAS/Routing and RAS


The RASDIALPARAMS structure contains parameters that are used by RasDial to establish a remote access connection.

typedef struct _RASDIALPARAMS { 
  DWORD  dwSize; 
  TCHAR  szEntryName[RAS_MaxEntryName + 1]; 
  TCHAR  szPhoneNumber[RAS_MaxPhoneNumber + 1]; 
  TCHAR  szCallbackNumber[RAS_MaxCallbackNumber + 1]; 
  TCHAR  szUserName[UNLEN + 1]; 
  TCHAR  szPassword[PWLEN + 1]; 
  TCHAR  szDomain[DNLEN + 1] ; 
#if (WINVER >= 0x401)
  DWORD      dwSubEntry;
  ULONG_PTR  dwCallbackId;


Specifies the structure size, in bytes.
Specifies a string containing the phone-book entry to use to establish the connection. An empty string ("") specifies a simple modem connection on the first available modem port, in which case a nonempty szPhoneNumber must be provided.

Windows NT 4.0 and later versions: The callback number is no longer stored in the registry. Specifying an asterisk for szCallbackNumber causes RAS to return error 704: ERROR_BAD_CALLBACK_NUMBER.

Specifies a string that contains an overriding phone number. An empty string ("") indicates that the phone-book entry's phone number should be used. If szEntryName is "", szPhoneNumber cannot be "".
Specifies a string that contains a callback phone number. An empty string ("") indicates that callback should not be used. This string is ignored unless the user has "Set By Caller" callback permission on the RAS server. An asterisk indicates that the number stored in the phone book should be used for callback.
Specifies a string that contains the user's user name. This string is used to authenticate the user's access to the remote access server.
Specifies a string that contains the user's password. This string is used to authenticate the user's access to the remote access server.

Windows NT/2000: You can use szPassword to send a new password to the remote server when you restart a RasDial connection from a RASCS_PasswordExpired paused state. When changing a password on an entry that calls Microsoft Networks, you should limit the new password to 14 characters in length to avoid down-level compatibility problems.

Windows 2000 and later versions: When retrieving the password using the RasGetEntryDialParams function, the szPassword member does not receive the actual password. Instead, szPassword receives a handle to the saved password. You can substitute this handle for the saved password in calls to RasSetDialParams, and RasDial. When presented with this handle, RasDial retrieves and uses the saved password. The value of this handle may change in future versions of the operating system; do not develop code that depends on the contents or format of this value.

Specifies a string that contains the domain on which authentication is to occur. An empty string ("") specifies the domain in which the remote access server is a member. An asterisk specifies the domain stored in the phone book for the entry.
Specifies the index of the initial subentry to dial. If the dial mode is RASEDM_DialAsNeeded, RAS dials this subentry. If dwSubEntry is not a valid subentry index, RAS dials the first subentry.

If the dial mode of the phone-book entry is RASEDM_DialAll, dwSubEntry is ignored. If the phone-book entry has no subentries, dwSubEntry is ignored.

The subentry indices are one-based. That is, the first subentry has an index of one, the second subentry as an index of two, and so on.

The RASENTRY structure returned by RasGetEntryProperties indicates the dial mode (dwDialMode) and number of subentries (dwSubEntries) for the phone-book entry.

Windows 2000 and later: If dwSubEntry specifies a valid subentry index, RAS dials the specified subentry regardless of the dial mode. If the dial mode is RASEDM_DialAll and dwSubEntry is zero, RAS dials all of the subentries.

Specifies an application-defined value that RAS passes to your RasDialFunc2 callback function.


The szUserName and szPassword strings are used to authenticate the user's access to the remote access server.

Windows NT/2000: RAS does not actually log the user onto the network. The user does this in the usual manner, for example, by logging on with cached credentials prior to making the connection, or by using CTRL+ALT+DEL after the RAS connection is established.

If both the szUserName and szPassword members are empty strings (""), RAS uses the user name and password of the current logon context for authentication. For a user-mode application, RAS uses the credentials of the currently logged-on interactive user. For a Win32 service process, RAS uses the credentials associated with the service.

Windows 95: RAS uses the szUserName and szPassword strings to log the user onto the network.

Windows 95 cannot obtain the password of the currently logged-on user, so if both the szUserName and the szPassword members are empty strings (""), RAS leaves the user name and password empty during authentication.


  Windows NT/2000: Requires Windows NT 3.1 or later.
  Windows 95/98: Requires Windows 95 or later.
  Header: Declared in Ras.h.
  Unicode: Declared as Unicode and ANSI structures.

See Also

Remote Access Service (RAS) Overview, Remote Access Service Structures, RasDial, RasGetEntryProperties, RasSetEntryDialParams, RASENTRY