Platform SDK: RAS/Routing and RAS |
The RASCREDENTIALS structure is used with the RasGetCredentials and RasSetCredentials functions to specify the user credentials associated with a RAS phone-book entry.
typedef struct { DWORD dwSize; DWORD dwMask; TCHAR szUserName[UNLEN + 1]; TCHAR szPassword[PWLEN + 1]; TCHAR szDomain[DNLEN + 1]; } RASCREDENTIALS, *LPRASCREDENTIALS;
Value | Meaning |
RASCM_UserName | The szUserName member is valid. |
RASCM_Password | The szPassword member is valid. |
RASCM_Domain | The szDomain member is valid. |
Windows 2000 and later versions: When retrieving credentials using the RasGetCredentials function, the dwMask member contains the RASCM_Password flag if the system has saved a password for the specified entry. If the system has no password saved for this entry, dwMask does not contain RASCM_Password.
Windows 2000 and later versions: When retrieving credentials using the RasGetCredentials function, the szPassword member does not receive the actual password. Instead, szPassword receives a handle to the saved password. You can substitute this handle for the saved password in calls to RasSetCredentials and RasDial. When presented with this handle, RasDial will retrieve and use the saved password. The value of this handle may change in future versions of the operating system; do not develop code that depends on the contents or format of this value.
Windows NT/2000: Requires Windows NT 4.0 or later.
Windows 95/98: Unsupported.
Header: Declared in Ras.h.
Unicode: Declared as Unicode and ANSI structures.
Remote Access Service (RAS) Overview, Remote Access Service Structures, RasGetCredentials, RasSetCredentials