Platform SDK: Removable Storage Manager


The NTMS_PMIDINFORMATION data structure defines the properties specific to a physical media object.

typedef struct _NTMS_PMIDINFORMATION {
  NTMS_GUID     CurrentLibrary,
  NTMS_GUID     MediaPool;
  NTMS_GUID     Location;
  DWORD         LocationType;
  NTMS_GUID     HomeSlot;
  NTMS_GUID     MediaType;
  DWORD         BarCodeState;
  TCHAR         szSequenceNumber[NTMS_SEQUENCE_LENGTH];
  DWORD         MediaState;
  DWORD         dwNumberOfPartitions;
  DWORD         dwMediaTypeCode;
  DWORD         dwDensityCode;
  NTMS_GUID     MountedPartition;


Unique ID of the library in which the media is contained.
Unique ID of the media pool to which the media is assigned.
Unique ID of the physical location object for the media.
Current location type of a piece of physical media. The value of this member can be set to NTMS_STORAGESLOT, NTMS_DRIVE, NTMS_IEPORT. (Offline media are in slots.)
Unique ID of the library storage slot in which media is stored.
Unique ID of a media type object.
String that matches the bar-code value on a bar-code label of a piece of physical media.
Current state of the bar code. This can be one of the following values.
Value Meaning
NTMS_BARCODESTATE_OK The media has a bar code and it is readable.
NTMS_BARCODESTATE_UNREADABLE The media either does not have a bar code or the bar code is unreadable.

A sequential number assigned to the specified medium as a human-readable value that must be transcribed by a user on the medium so that the medium can be located in an offline library.
Current state for the piece of physical media. This can be one of the following values.
Value Meaning
NTMS_MEDIASTATE_IDLE The media is in a slot in the library, in a drive dismounted, or in an offline library.
NTMS_MEDIASTATE_INUSE The media is marked as in use as soon as a request for an operation is successfully made to RSM.
NTMS_MEDIASTATE_LOADED The state of the media when RSM has determined that the media is available for reading and writing.
NTMS_MEDIASTATE_MOUNTED The state of a piece of physical media when the media is placed in a drive.
NTMS_MEDIASTATE_OP_ERROR The physical media is in an error state that is recoverable. No operator intervention is required.
NTMS_MEDIASTATE_UNLOADED The state of the media when it is ready to be removed from a drive. The drive state, DISMOUNTABLE, also indicates that a drive can be removed at any time.
NTMS_MEDIASTATE_OPREQ Media is waiting for operator request.

Number of sides on the medium.
SCSI media type code.
SCSI density code.
Globally unique ID of the side of the media that is currently mounted.


The NTMS_PMIDINFORMATION data structure is part of the NTMS_OBJECTINFORMATION structure and is not used separately.


  Windows NT/2000: Requires Windows 2000.
  Header: Declared in Ntmsapi.h.