Platform SDK: Removable Storage Manager


The SwapNtmsMedia function swaps the sides associated with the two specified LMIDs. The specified LMID's must be in the same media pool.

  HANDLE hSession, 
  LPNTMS_GUID lpMediaId1,
  LPNTMS_GUID lpMediaId2


Handle to the session returned by the OpenNtmsSession function.
Specifies the unique identifier of a piece of logical media.
Specifies the unique identifier of a piece of logical media.

Return Values

Value Meaning
ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED NTMS_MODIFY_ACCESS to either media's media pool is denied. Other security errors are also possible, but they would indicate a security subsystem error.
ERROR_BAD_FORMAT No media label library recognizes the media label.
ERROR_DATABASE_FAILURE The database is inaccessible or damaged.
ERROR_DATABASE_FULL The database is full.
ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE The session handle is invalid or missing.
ERROR_INVALID_MEDIA At least one of the media IDs is invalid.
ERROR_INVALID_MEDIA_POOL One or more media pools for the logical media are invalid.
ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER At least one media identifier is missing.
ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY An allocation failure occurred during processing.
ERROR_SUCCESS The function was successful.


The SwapNtmsMedia function is used to update physical media without affecting the application.

The media for both LMIDs must not be in use for this function to succeed.


  Windows NT/2000: Requires Windows 2000.
  Header: Declared in Ntmsapi.h.
  Library: Use Ntmsapi.lib.

See Also

Media Services Functions, AllocateNtmsMedia