Platform SDK: Removable Storage Manager


The EjectNtmsCleaner function ejects the cleaning cartridge from the currently reserved cleaner slot.

DWORD WINAPI EjectNtmsCleaner(
  HANDLE hSession, 
  LPNTMS_GUID lpLibrary,
  LPNTMS_GUID lpEjectOperation,
  DWORD dwAction


Handle to the session returned by the OpenNtmsSession function.
Specifies the unique identifier of a library object.
Specifies the GUID of the eject process. This value is returned for use with a Stop action code.
Specifies the action to take. This parameter can be either one of the following values.
Value Meaning
NTMS_EJECT_START Starts the eject operation with a port. The specified medium is ejected until the time-out event occurs or the EjectNtmsCleaner function is called again with the NTMS_EJECT_STOP flag set for this parameter. The time-out value is specified in the library object and is applied to all ejections in the library.
NTMS_EJECT_STOP For libraries with NTMS_IEPORTobjects only. Terminates the ejection process prior to the time-out event lapsing.

Return Values

Value Meaning
ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED Access to one or more RSM objects is denied.
ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE The value supplied in the hSession parameter is invalid.
ERROR_INVALID_LIBRARY Unable to retrieve the library definition from the database.
ERROR_NO_SLOT_SET This library does not have a cleaner slot reserved.
ERROR_NOT_CONNECTED Unable to connect to the RSM service.
ERROR_SLOT_EMPTY A cleaner slot is reserved but is already empty.
ERROR_SLOT_NOT_PRESENT A cleaner slot is reserved but the slot is currently not installed in the library. This error occurs when at least one magazine is missing from the library.
ERROR_SUCCESS The function was successful.


If the library specified in the EjectNtmsCleaner function has an NTMS_IEPORT object, RSM uses the NTMS_IEPORT object to eject the cleaner. If there is no NTMS_IEPORT object, the NTMS_IEDOOR object is used to allow the operator to gain access to the cleaner slot.

Ejected cleaner cartridges are not tracked in the offline library.


  Windows NT/2000: Requires Windows 2000.
  Header: Declared in Ntmsapi.h.
  Library: Use Ntmsapi.lib.

See Also

Cleaner Management Functions, CleanNtmsDrive, InjectNtmsCleaner, ReleaseNtmsCleanerSlot, ReserveNtmsCleanerSlot