Platform SDK: Removable Storage Manager


The NTMS_OPREQUESTINFORMATION data structure defines the properties specific to operator-request system control for RSM.

  DWORD        Request;
  SYSTEMTIME   Submitted;
  DWORD        State;
  TCHAR        szMessage[NTMS_MESSAGE_LENGTH];
  DWORD        Arg1Type;
  NTMS_GUID    Arg1;
  DWORD        Arg2Type;
  NTMS_GUID    Arg2;


Type of operator request. This can be one of the following values.
Value Meaning
NTMS_OPREQ_NEWMEDIA An application attempting to allocate media sends an operator request for new media when no media is available. When this flag is set, the Arg1 member should be set to the GUID of the media pool requiring new media. Optionally, the Arg2 parameter can be set to the particular library in which the new media should be placed.
NTMS_OPREQ_CLEANER RSM sends an operator request for a cleaner when a clean operation is queued and no cleaner is online and available to the drive. When this flag is set, the Arg1 member should be set to the GUID of the library requiring the cleaning cartridge.
NTMS_OPREQ_DEVICESERVICE An application or RSM sends an operator request for drive service when a changer device or drive is experiencing problems. When this flag is set, the Arg1 member should be set to the GUID of the device requiring service.
NTMS_OPREQ_MOVEMEDIA An application or RSM sends an operator request to move the specified medium to service a mount for offline media or to eject media to an offline library. When this flag is set, the Arg1 member should be set to the GUID of the physical media to move and the Arg2 member should be set to the GUID of the library this media should be moved to.
NTMS_OPREQ_MESSAGE An application-specific operator request. Text only.

System time when the operator request was submitted.
Current state of the operator service request. This can be one of the following values.
Value Meaning
NTMS_OPSTATE_SUBMITTED The operator request has been submitted but not read by an operator console.
NTMS_OPSTATE_ACTIVE The operator request has been read by one or more operator consoles and might be in process.
NTMS_OPSTATE_INPROGRESS The user has acknowledged this operator request and is in the process of performing the service.
NTMS_OPSTATE_REFUSED The user has rejected the operator service request.
NTMS_OPSTATE_COMPLETE The user has completed the operator service request.

Operator message text.
Type of the Arg1 object. This can be one of the following values.
Value Meaning
NTMS_UNKNOWN No object provided in Arg1Type.
NTMS_CHANGER Medium changer object.
NTMS_DRIVE Drive object.
NTMS_IEDOOR Library door object.
NTMS_IEPORT. Library IE port object
NTMS_LIBRARY Library object.
NTMS_PHYSICAL_MEDIA Physical media object.
NTMS_STORAGESLOT Library slot object.

Arg1 object ID used for move requests or other operator requests that require a reference object. The purpose of this object varies based on the type of operator request. For appropriate uses of Arg1, see the Request description.
Type of Arg2 object. This can be one of the following values.
Value Meaning
NTMS_UNKNOWN No object provided in Arg2Type.
NTMS_LIBRARY Library object.

Arg2 object ID used for operator requests that require a second reference object. The purpose of this object varies based on the type of operator request. For appropriate uses of Arg2, see the Request description.
The application that submitted the operator request.
The interactive user logged on to the computer that submitted the operator request.
The computer that submitted the operator request.


The NTMS_OPREQUESTINFORMATION data structure is part of the NTMS_OBJECTINFORMATION structure and is not used separately.


  Windows NT/2000: Requires Windows 2000.
  Header: Declared in Ntmsapi.h.