Platform SDK: Removable Storage Manager


Media label
Written and used by an application to track media. Applications write media labels when media are moved from a free media pool to an application media pool. Media Service for Windows 2000 uses a subset of the media label known as the on-media identifier to track media.
Media label library
A DLL that interprets the format of a media label written by a Media Service application.
Media pool
Logical collections of media that have the same media management policies. They are used by applications to control access to media within a Media Service system. One medium is contained in exactly one media pool.
Media Service for Windows NT
The service included with Windows NT/Windows 2000 that facilitates communication among applications, robotic changers, and media libraries.
Media Service for Windows NT MMC snap-in
The user interface for the Media Service that is a snap-in for the Microsoft Management Console (MMC) for Windows NT/Windows 2000. It provides administrators with the ability to add Media Service objects, view and modify properties of Media Service objects, insert and eject media, perform inventories, mount and dismount media, and check status information.