Platform SDK: Removable Storage Manager

Updating the Restored Database

The database as restored may not have been current at the time of the destructive event. An application may have allocated a tape between the last database backup and a disaster that destroyed the running database.

In general, your application should scan its own pools as well as the free and import pools after a recovery, searching for the OMIDs of its media and any media that may be in the wrong place. The following table describes how your application can resolve each problem.

Problem Solution
A specified side is deallocated by an application after the backup but before the disaster and remains in the application media pool. RSM recognizes this side as still allocated after the recovery and leaves it in the application media pool. The application must deallocate this side again.
A specified side is allocated by an application after the backup but before the disaster. RSM leaves the cartridge in the import or free media pools. The application can import the cartridge to the free media pool.