Removable Storage Manager Start Page

Removable Storage Manager


Removable Storage Manager (RSM) is a service included with Microsoft Windows® 2000 that facilitates communication among applications, robotic changers, and media libraries. It enables multiple applications to share local robotic media libraries and tape or disk drives, and manage removable media within a single-server system.

Where Applicable

A group of libraries, drives, and media that are managed by Removable Storage Manager is called an RSM system. Use Removable Storage Manager to write applications that make effective use of the media resources in an RSM system.

Developer Audience

A developer should use Removable Storage Manager if they are developing a media management application and require the following functionality:

  • The application is one of multiple applications that must share the same library, drive, and media resources

  • The application runs on a single computer that must track multiple types of media

  • The application runs on a single computer that must track media that are inside or outside a media library unit

Run-time Requirements

Windows® 2000

See Also

Microsoft Management Console


General information about Removable Storage Manager.

Removable Storage Manager Function Reference

Documentation of Removable Storage Manager methods and interfaces.


Make error reports and feature requests directly to Microsoft.