Defines the chart of accounts used for the specified company, including optional rollups on account parts. A filter DLL fills in this structure when the Import Wizard calls the DLL's CMA_LoadCompany function. For more information about rollups and account parts, see the "Remarks" section.


typedef struct tagCMA_ACCTPART {
    INT    nPartCount;
    INT    nRollupCount;
    INT    nPartNumber;

nPartCount   The number of account parts. For example, "four" for GLAccount, Company, Department, and Project. This member is required (must not be 0).

nRollupCount   The total number of rollups. For example, "three" for StandardGL as a rollup on GLAccount, Location as a rollup on Department, and Division as a rollup on Department. This member is required (must not be NULL).

nPartNumber   The part number currently being loaded by the CMA_LoadAcctPartCode function. This member is required (must not be NULL).

aPart   The array of structures that contain detailed information about each account part. For more information, see the topic, CMA_PART. This member is required (must not be NULL).


Each account part is used as a key field for each detail line imported by the CMA_LoadDetail function. Account parts include GLAccount, Company, Department, Project, Responsibility Area, and any other names used in defining each company's data. These account part names are completely definable in each accounting package. Within each package, different companies can use different structures (if supported by the package).

Rollups are used to group or remap account-part codes. StandardGL, for example, could be a rollup used primarily to remap GLAccount account-part codes to a more standard coding system, allowing the package to store data in GLAccount 5960 for Cash and to be remapped to 1000 by StandardGL. In this example, GLAccount's StandardGL rollup for GLAccount 5960 would be StandardGL 1000. Rollups can group account-part codes by defining the same rollup code for multiple account-part codes. For example, if Departments 100, 200, and 300 are all part of the Sales Division, a Division rollup could be defined wherein Division 70 is Sales and all three of these departments are assigned to Division 70 as their Division rollup. This makes it possible to generate a Division report that includes totals by division.

See Also

CMA_LoadAcctPartCode, CMA_LoadCompany, CMA_LoadDetail, CMA_PART