Contains account parts, account categories, and rollups for the specified company. A filter DLL fills in this structure when the Import Wizard calls the CMA_LoadAcctPartCode function.
typedef struct tagCMA_ACCTPARTCODE{
CHAR szDescription[51];
CHAR szBriefDescription[31];
CHAR szDrCr;
INT nAcctCat;
DOUBLE dInventory;
CMACY cyMaximumValue;
CMACY cyMinimumValue;
szDescription A null-terminated string that contains the primary description of the account-part code (for example, "Accounts Receivable") or the rollup code description (for example, "West Coast"). This member is required (must not be NULL).
szBriefDescription A null-terminated string that contains a brief description of the account-part code or rollup (for example, "A/R" or "West"). This is an alternative description that you can use for reporting purposes. This member is required (must not be NULL).
szDrCr A member that is set to "D" for debit accounts (assets and expenses) and "C" for credit accounts (liabilities, equity, and revenue). This member is redundantly set to the DrCr setting defined in the nAcctCat field in the Account Categories table (AA_AcctCat) in the database Template.mdb. You use this member only for the Prime account part (typically the GLAccount part, whatever it is named).
nAcctCat An account category. This member must be a value from the Account Categories table. You use this member only for the Prime account part (typically the GLAccount part, whatever it is named).
dInventory This member is not available for implementation.
cyMaximumValue The maximum value of the specified row. You can use this member to indicate maximum balances for certain accounts.
cyMinimumValue The minimum value of the specified row. You can use this member to indicate minimum balances for certain accounts.
aPartCode The structure that contains the specified part code. For more information, see the topic, CMA_PARTCODE.
See Also