Contains all of the information needed for the specified organization. This can be for a customer, a vendor, or any company for which information exists in the contact-management application.
typedef struct tagCMA_ORGANIZATION {
LONG lOrganizationCount;
CHAR szOrganizationID[51];
INT nOrganizationType;
CHAR szOrganizationName[51];
CHAR szDescription[256];
CHAR szPaymentType[51];
BOOL fTaxExempt;
BOOL fOneTime;
CHAR szVATIDNumber[51];
CHAR szVATIDNumberInternationalPrefix[11];
CHAR szBusinessIndustryCode[51];
CHAR szOrganizationGroup[51];
CMACY cyMaximumValue;
CMACY cyMinimumValue;
Party A structure that contains additional information about the organization. For more information, see the topic, CMA_PARTY.
lOrganizationCount This represents the number of organizations to be presented to the filter. Will be used for generating the progress display for the user during the import process. This needs to be populated in the first call to CMA_LoadOrganization in order to properly display progress to the user.
szOrganizationID A null-terminated string that contains the unique ID for the organization. This member is required (must not be NULL).
szOrganizationType The type of organization. This can be any of the values from the CMA_ORGANIZATIONTYPE enumeration.
szOrganizationName A null-terminated string that contains the name of the organization.
szDescription A null-terminated string that contains miscellaneous descriptive notes on this organization.
szPaymentType A null-terminated string that contains the type of payments the organization makes (for example, cash, on account, or some other type).
fTaxExempt A "tax-exempt" flag. A return value of True indicates the organization is a tax-exempt organization.
fOneTime A "one-time relationship" flag. A return value of True indicates the organization is a one-time relationship.
szVATIDNumber A null-terminated string that contains the VAT/GST tax ID number for the organization.
szVATIDNumberInternationalPrefix A null-terminated string that contains the prefix added to the VAT ID number for dealing with international VAT issues.
szBusinessIndustryCode A null-terminated string that contains the appropriate business industry code for the organization. This can be SIC, NASIC, or another location-specific industry classification number.
szOrganizationGroup A null-terminated string that contains the user-defined grouping of the organization.
cyMaximumValue The maximum value for this row; for example, a customer accounts receivable balance.
cyMinimumValue The minimum value for this row; for example, a customer accounts receivable balance.
See Also