Contains all of the information needed for the specified party. A party is defined as either an organization or a contact.


typedef struct tag_CMA_PARTY {
    CHAR    szBankName[51];
    CHAR    szBankAccountNumber[51];
    CHAR    szBankRoutingNumber[51];
    CHAR    szBillingInformation[51];
    SYSTEMTIME    stFiscalYearEnd;
    CHAR    szGovernmentalIDNumber[51];
    CHAR    szParentOrganizationID[51];
    CHAR    szReferredBy[51];
    INT    nStatus;
    CHAR    szOwnerID[31];
    INT    nPreferredCommunicationPoint;
    INT    nPreferredCommunicationPointType;
    INT    nPreferredCommunicationPointUsage;
    CHAR    szNotes[256];
    CHAR    szPronunciation[256];
    SYSTEMTIME    stDateModified;

szBankName   A null-terminated string that contains the name of the bank the party uses.

szBankAccountNumber   A null-terminated string that contains the party's bank account number.

szBankRoutingNumber   A null-terminated string that contains the party's bank routing number. This member is used for display only, so it may be formatted in whatever way is most appropriate for the intended users.

szBillingInformation   A null-terminated string that contains the party's billing information. This information is user-defined and includes how this party is normally billed (such as net 30 days, and so forth).

stFiscalYearEnd   The end date of the party's fiscal year.

szGovernmentalIDNumber   A null-terminated string that contains the party's government ID number.

szParentOrganizationID   A null-terminated string that contains the ID for the party's parent organization. This value should match a value passed in through the szOrganizationID member of the CMA_ORGANIZATION structure.

szReferredBy   A null-terminated string that contains the name of the person who referred the party.

nStatus   The status of the party. This can be any value from the CMA_PARTYSTATUS enumeration.

szOwnerID   A null-terminated string that contains the user ID of the owner of this contact record within the workgroup setting. This should be set to null for purposes of writing an import filter.

nPreferredCommunicationPoint   Represents the preferred communication point. This can be any of the values from the CMA_COMMUNICATIONPOINT enumeration.

nPreferredCommunicationPointType   A value that describes the preferred type of communication point for the party. This can be any of the values from the CMA_COMMUNICATIONPOINTTYPE enumeration.

nPreferredCommunicationPointUsage   A value that specifies the preferred communication point usage for the party. This can be any of the values from the CMA_COMMUNICATIONPOINTUSAGE enumeration.

szNotes   A null-terminated string that contains filter-defined notes. This string is stored in the target database but is not used for anything else.

szPronunciation   The correct pronunciation of the party's name.

stDateModified   The last date on which this record was modified in the source system. This member is required (must not be NULL).

See Also