Contains information about the products or services the specified company provides.
typedef struct tagCMA_PRODUCTINFO {
LONG lProductCount;
CHAR szProductID[31];
CHAR szProductName[101];
CHAR szDescription[101];
DOUBLE dReorderLevel;
DWORD dwCurrencyCode;
DOUBLE dQuantityPerUnit;
CMACY cyUnitPrice;
DOUBLE dUnitsInStock;
DOUBLE dUnitsOnOrder;
BOOL fDiscontinued;
CMACY cyUnitCost;
CHAR szGLInventoryAccount[51];
CHAR szGLCOSAccount[51];
CHAR szGLSalesAccount[51];
CHAR szHazardousMaterialCode[51];
CHAR szUPC[51];
CHAR szSKUNumber[51];
BOOL fInventoryItem;
SYSTEMTIME stDateModified;
lProductCount This represents the number of products to be presented to the filter. SBCM uses this value to generate the progress display for the user during the import process. This needs to be populated in the first call to CMA_LoadProductInfo in order to properly display progress to the user.
szProductID A null-terminated string that contains the unique ID for the product or service. This member is required (must not be NULL).
szProductName A null-terminated string that contains the name of the product or service.
szDescription A null-terminated string that contains a description of the product or service.
dReorderLevel The reorder quantity level for the product (such as minimal stock level).
dwCurrencyCode A value that identifies the currency code of the data being passed to the filter. This can be any of the defined values in aacommon.h (see list of values at the end of this document). This member is required when the fDualCurrency member of the CMA_CTRLINFO structure is True (must not be NULL).
dQuantityPerUnit The quantity of product per unit sold.
cyUnitPrice The current unit sales price of the product.
dUnitsInStock The number of units of the product currently in stock and available for sale.
dUnitsOnOrder The number of units currently on order from a vendor or supplier.
fDiscontinued The "discontinued" flag. A return value of True indicates that this product was discontinued or rendered inactive.
cyUnitCost The current unit cost of the product.
szGLInventoryAccount The GL account to which the inventory item is posted.
szGLCOSAccount The GL account to which the COS for the product is posted.
szGLSalesAccount The GL account to which sales of the product are posted.
szHazardousMaterialCode A null-terminated string that contains the International Standards Organization (ISO) value for the product if it is a hazardous material.
szUPC A null-terminated string that contains the Universal Product Code (UPC) or bar code numbers for the product. For Europe, an example would be the Europe Article Number.
szSKUNumber A null-terminated string that contains the SKU number of the product.
fInventoryItem An "inventory-item" flag. A return value of True indicates that this item is a true product; otherwise, it is a service or noninventory item.
stDateModified The last date on which the specified record was modified in the source system. This member is required (must not be NULL).
See Also