Contains all of the information needed for the specified address. This enumeration uses a type column and an index column to handle arrays of many different types of addresses.
typedef struct tagCMA_STREETADDRESS {
LONG nArrayIndex;
INT nCommunicationPointType;
INT nCommunicationPointUsage;
BOOL fPrimary;
CHAR szStreet1[101];
CHAR szStreet2[101];
CHAR szPOBox[51];
CHAR szCity[51];
CHAR szState[51];
CHAR szRegion[51];
CHAR szCountry[51];
CHAR szPostalCode[51];
nArrayIndex The index value of the specified address in the array. This array index begins with one. This member is required (must not be NULL).
nCommunicationPointType A value that describes the type of communication point. This can be any of the values from the CMA_COMMUNICATIONPOINTTYPE enumeration. This member is required (must not be NULL).
nCommunicationPointUsage A value that specifies how this communication point is used. This can be any of the values from the CMA_COMMUNICATIONPOINTUSAGE enumeration. This member is required (must not be NULL).
fPrimary A flag for the primary street address. A return value of True indicates that this is the primary street address for this organization for this type, index, and usage.
szStreet1 A null-terminated string that contains the first line of the street address.
szStreet2 A null-terminated string that contains the second line of the street address.
szPOBox A null-terminated string that contains the P.O. box number.
szCity A null-terminated string that contains the city for the address.
szState A null-terminated string that contains the state or province for the address.
szRegion A null-terminated string that contains the region for the address.
szCountry A null-terminated string that contains the country for the address.
szPostalCode A null-terminated string that contains the ZIP code for the address.
See Also