Contains a list of update types used in the CMA_PACKAGE structure. These are used to define how the Import Wizard will handle updates on various data structures.
For more information about how filters perform updates, see the Frequently Asked Questions section of Import Filters for the Microsoft Small Business Customer Manager.
typedef enum tagCMA_UPDATEMETHOD {
UPDATEMETHOD_NONE There is no way to determine what records have been added, deleted, or changed. During each update, the entire data structure must be imported.
UPDATEMETHOD_DATE In the date method, the Import Wizard uses a "delete and append" approach to updating records. During the update process, the Import Wizard will identify any existing records in the database that has a value equal to the primary ID member or members of the pertinent data structure. The process will compare the stDateModified value of the record contained within the filter data structure and the comparable record contained in the database (from a previous import). If the current record in the filter data structure is newer based on the date comparison, the existing record in the database will be deleted and the new record in the data structure appended to the data. If the record in the filter data structure is now newer based on the date comparison, then an update on this record will be bypassed.
See Also