To install the sample filter included with this SDK or your own import filter, copy the DLL (Aaxyz.dll for the sample filter) to the folder where you installed SBCM (default location is c:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\SBT\SBCM). The Import Wizard automatically detects your custom filter DLL, adding it to the list of available import filters the next time you start SBCM.
You can run the import process from two places within SBCM. The first time you start SBCM, a process called the Interviewer will start and guide you through setting up SBCM. The Interviewer will attempt to detect accounting data on the local machine by using the Import Wizard. Or, you can select New/Database from the File menu to begin an import. To run an update, select Import/Accounting Data from the Tools menu.
You can also run the Import Wizard from within SBFM (choose the Import button) or run an update on an existing data set (choose the Update button to update the current data set).