Microsoft® Windows® Script Component
Script Component Files and XML Conformance
 Script Component Tutorial

See Also

Windows® Script Components are XML files and should follow the XML version 1.0 conventions for how elements are defined in the file. Although XML elements superficially resemble HTML tags, XML is a more strictly defined protocol. For example, element names are case-sensitive.

To make it easier to create script components, the script component run-time (Scrobj.dll) allows you to specify how strictly you want the XML in your file to be interpreted. Script component XML can be interpreted fairly loosely, allowing the same sorts of variations in tags that HTML does.

However, you can also specify XML validation in your script component file, which causes the script component run-time to check that your script component file's XML conforms closely to the XML standard. If you will ever be using an XML editing tool to work with your script component, you should set XML validation.

When you specify XML validation, you must make sure that your script component file conforms to the following rules.

For more details about XML standards, see the XML specification Web site and the Microsoft® XML Web site.

To specify XML conformance

Note   If you create a script component using the Script Component Wizard, the <?XML ?> declaration is added to the file, and the script component's XML is parsed strictly.

If this element is missing, the script component run-time assumes that you do not want XML validation. However, you will probably not be able to work with the file using an XML editor.