Microsoft® Windows® Script Component
Script Component File Contents
 Script Component Tutorial

See Also

Windows® Script Component files are XML (Extensible Markup Language) that are much like HTML files, but contain special elements that define the script component and its behavior. The elements used for defining script components are not HTML tags, but are XML elements specifically used for script component definitions.

A basic script component file contains these elements:

Note   If you are concerned that the .wsc files you create contain XML that conforms to XML standards, you can specify that the script component's XML parser check the XML syntax. For example, this is useful if you think you might someday use an XML editor to work with your files. Otherwise, however, it is not usually a concern. For more details, see Script Component Files and XML Conformance.

Skeleton Script Component File

The following example illustrates how to construct a script component file.

<?XML version="1.0"?>
<?component error="true" debug="true"?>

      This skeleton shows how script component elements are 
      assembled into a .wsc file.

<component id="MyScriptlet">

   <reference object="progID">

      <property name="propertyname"/>
      <method name="methodname"/>
      <event name="eventname"/>

   <implements type=COMhandlerName id=internalName>
      (interface-specific definitions here)

   <script language="VBScript">
   dim propertyname
   Function methodname()
      ' Script here.
   End Function

  <script language="JScript">
   function get_propertyname()
   { // Script here.
   function put_propertyname(newValue)
   { // Script here.

   <object id="objID" classid="clsid:00000000-0000-0000-000000000000">

   <resource ID="resourceID1">string or number here</resource>
   <resource ID="resourceID2">string or number here</resource>

Tip   In XML, you can specify elements without content (attributes only), such as the <property> and <method> elements in the previous example, by closing the element with />.

Note that:

The exact elements that appear inside an <implements> element depend on what interface you are implementing.

Note   The <implements> element is shown here with an id attribute. However, this attribute is optional, except in cases where you must disambiguate objects or variables. For details, see the <implements> element.

After creating the skeleton, fill in the elements to define the script component's functionality, depending on which interface handler you are implementing.