Microsoft® Windows® Script Component
Implementing DHTML Behavior Script Components
 Script Component Tutorial

See Also  

Windows® Script Components provide a lightweight, easily maintainable way to create components for implementing DHTML Behaviors available in Microsoft® Internet Explorer 5.0. Using a script component allows script developers to implement behaviors using Microsoft® Visual Basic® Scripting Edition (VBScript), Microsoft® JScript® (ECMAScript), or any third party scripting language that supports the Microsoft® ActiveX® Scripting interfaces.

For general information about DHTML Behaviors, see DHTML Behaviors on the Site Builder Network (SBN) on the Microsoft Web site.

By creating Behavior script components, you can:

In this section you will find information about the following:

Creating a Behavior Script Component
See what elements to put into a Behavior script component file, how to share information with the containing document, what DHTML features apply to Behavior script components, and what to watch for when scripting.

Exposing Properties and Methods in Behavior Script Components
Create properties and methods that extend those already available in DHTML elements.

Exposing Custom Events in Behavior Script Components
Expose and fire events from the script component to the containing document.

Behavior Handler Reference
A list of XML elements, properties, and methods used in Behavior script components.