Microsoft® Windows® Script Component
Script Component Tutorial
 Script Component Reference

Microsoft® Windows® Script Components provide you with an easy way to create COM components using scripting languages such as Microsoft® Visual Basic® Scripting Edition (VBScript) and Microsoft® JScript®. Use script components as COM components in applications such as Microsoft® Internet Information Services (IIS), Microsoft® Windows® Script Host, and any other application that can support COM components. The areas discussed in this tutorial are shown in the following list.

Script Components Overview
Learn what script components are and how to use them.

Creating Script Components
Create a script component.

Using Script Components
Use a script component in your applications.

Implementing ASP Script Components
Create a script component that incorporates the functionality of Active Server Pages (ASP), allowing you to isolate and reuse ASP logic.

Implementing DHTML Behavior Script Components
Create a script component that can be used in Microsoft® Internet Explorer 5.0 to define behaviors.