Introduction to Design Issues

The intent of this guide is to provide information about designing servers, hardware, and software that take best advantage of the Windows NT Server operating system.

This guide represents a collection of system definitions and requirements for bus and device design. The requirements and recommendations emphasize features and attributes of a system that can perform extremely well under Windows NT Server. These guidelines emphasize the following areas:

When working to meet these requirements and when choosing to support additional hardware design recommendations, the designer must continually weigh cost versus performance. In defining these guidelines, extra attention has been given to this concern.

Intel and Microsoft are dedicated to strategic industry relationships that deepen and strengthen support for evolving the platform. Both companies work with industry groups to define standards for new technologies. In support of this evolution of server platforms, Microsoft has become involved in the following efforts:

The system design requirements defined in this guide support a synergy among server hardware, the Microsoft Windows NT Server operating system, and Win32-based software. These requirements for systems and components are based on the following goals: