Media Changers

This section defines requirements for media changers.

CD Changers

This section provides requirements for CD changers.

There is no requirement or recommendation for providing a CD changer with a server system, but if present or designed to be compatible with Windows NT 5.0, it must comply with these requirements.

CD changer for seven or fewer discs meets MMC-2 standard


If an ATAPI-compatible CD changer is present that supports seven discs or less, the device should comply with the MMC-2 standard.

Tape and Optical Disk Changers

This section provides requirements for tape and optical disk changers. There is no requirement or recommendation for providing a tape or optical disk changer, but if a device is present or is designed to be compatible with Windows NT 5.0, it must meet the requirements defined in this section.

This includes changers that support the following drive/media types:

It does not include changers that support CD-ROM, CD-R, CD-Rewritable, or DVD drive/media types.

SCSI changer and drive support auto-configuration


To meet requirements for auto-configuration of changers and their associated drives, the following changer requirements and configuration restrictions are defined:

Changer systems that are not configured this way will not be autoconfigurable under NTMS in Windows NT 5.0 and must provide documentation that describes the appropriate manual configuration process for use with NTMS. Examples of proper documentation are available in Appendix A of NTMS Programmers Guide, at

SCSI tape and optical disk changers support SCSI commands


The following commands or features must be supported by the changer:

Recommended: Inquiry with support for reporting serial number or other unique unit ID should be supported by the changer.