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ParameterName Key

Associated Value Type

String (VT_BSTR)


This key specifies the name of a "parameter" to have an agent add to new class Item object's HREF property. The name becomes the "parameter" and an associated result row from the query becomes the value.


Channel.RefreshOptions("parameter") = "name"

When the agent finds this key defined in the options class Dictionary object, it constructs the HREF property for the class Item object using the parameter as part of an HTTP GET method string.

For example: to build "/channels/item1.htm?name=Joe" as the HREF property of a new Item object created during the refresh cycle, the queried database table would have two columns defined, one named "HREF" and one named "name". One of the returned rows from the query would have the following return values:

HREF name
"/channels/item1.htm" "Joe"

These results are used by the Database agent to construct the HREF property as follows:

HREF = Results("HREF") & "?" & options("parametername") & "=" & Results("parametername")

(The Results collection is the one returned by the ADODB.Commmand.Execute method.)

This would set the new Item object's HREF property to "/channels/item1.htm?name=Joe"

Applies to Agents


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